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Alaric Graywind

Male Human Warlock

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height and build.

Facial Features

Handsome, masculine facial features. Long, nose with narrow nostrils. Strong, angled jawline.

Identifying Characteristics

Facial tattoos of a sun on his forehead and two lines streaking from the corner of each of his eyes. Both sets of tattoos glow with radiant magic. His eyes also glow with the same radiant golden colouring.

Apparel & Accessories

Finely crafted brown leather armour underneath a long military style coat, given to him by his mother.

Specialized Equipment

His mother’s long-spear that she used when she was in the army/adventuring. He has hung his Arcane Focus amulet around the head of the spear and uses it as a spear, a staff, and a magical focus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alaric grew up in the small village of Phandalin. His mother ran the Lionshield Coster out of that village and was a tough woman, having served in the army prior to settling down and having her three children, with Alaric being the youngest of them.
He had a natural affinity with healing, which Sister Garaele took notice of in his early teens and tutored him in the basics. She'd hoped that perhaps he would see a calling, and join her in her faith of Tymora, but Alaric never showed any interest in the gods.
When the Warforged armies amassed and the call for soldiers came, Alaric saw it as his duty to serve. He joined the army, following in his mother's footsteps, but unlike her, he signed up as a healer. Over the years that Alaric served, he watched countless people die on the gurney in front of him, unable to save them, their wounds too severe. He wondered for not the first time, whether he would've been able to do much more if he'd taken up Sister Garaele's offer to learn divine magic.
Near the end of the war, their numbers dwindled enough that Alaric ended up on the battlefield himself on the day of the Calamity. Countless Dragons, including Tiamat herself, spewed forth from massive portals and lay waste to the soldiers on both sides before heading off in different directions to continue their assault.
Alaric stood there, frozen in place, watching as those around him - both friend and foe - perished to the horrific might of Tiamat's Thunder of Dragons. As an Elder Red crashed to the ground in front of him, taunting him, laughing at him... Alaric could not move. But just before the Red could unleash its fire on him, Alaric felt himself being pulled away from Faerun and transported to a different plane of existence.
To Ahciliz... To Haven.
There, he would meet Leanhaun, the depowered god and caretaker of Ahciliz, and in her, he saw a new path to follow. He felt drawn to her in a way he couldn't explain, perhaps it was the fact that he was seeing a god in the flesh? Or perhaps it was something else entirely, something intangible that he couldn't name at all, but no matter what it was, he couldn't deny it. He sought out Leanhaun in the Temple Glade and it was there that she offered Alaric a chance to start anew. She offered him a portion of her power, in return for serving as her champion, an offer that Alaric swiftly accepted.
He watched as her tattoos started to glow gold, and she reached out and gently cupped Alaric's face with her right hand. With kind eyes, she lifted her left hand and placed her index finger to his forehead, a warm but not unpleasant sensation swept over his body. He felt power coursing through him, power he'd never known could've existed until this moment, and when the sensation passed, he could still feel the power.
The warmth was never far away, always just within reach. It was the magic that Leanhaun had gifted him, he'd come to learn. This same magic had changed his appearance as well. His once blue eyes were now golden, with glowing lines streaking out from underneath them and on his forehead where Leanhaun had touched him, there was now a glowing mark of golden sun, a visible sign that he was now tied to the Goddess of Ahciliz, a fate that he was more than happy with.


Trained from an early age in healing with Sister Garaele. Joined the army and served as a healer before eventually joining the battlefield. Learnt the basics of combat.


Planewalker, Healer.

Mental Trauma

Witnessed Tiamat and her Thunder of Dragons breaking free. Saw countless people die around him while he stood there frozen in terror. Unsure of what happened to his family back in Faerun.

Intellectual Characteristics

Alaric is a relatively quick thinker and well versed in the anatomy of most of the races on Faerun, including some of the monstrous ones that they would autopsy.

Morality & Philosophy

He bares a heavy burden of guilt for not having learnt divine magic when he could. So now, with Leanhaun’s power coursing through him, he means to do all he can to keep everyone here safe.

Personality Characteristics


He is but one man but a man that has a small amount of a gods power. He will use it to aid those around him and search for other people that can strengthen his new home. Ideally, he’d want to take on a mentorship role and train someone the way that Sister Garaele trained him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A skilled healer in Field-Medicine, can work wonders with a Medicine Kit.

Vices & Personality flaws

Freezes up at even the mention of Dragons.

Personality Quirks

He is always polite, well-mannered and respectful. Everyone is either a Sir or Ma'am, and he always refers to Leanhaun as “Milady.”


Social Aptitude

Alaric is a charming man. He would often spend time with the dying during his time as a soldier, easing their passing and was told he had a “Good Bedside-Manner.”
There were some women that wanted to test the other side of his Bedside-Manner, but Alaric is relatively uncomfortable around women and finds all his words seem to… disappear.
Prefers to keep to himself and is often seen walking to the Temple Glade at night instead of staying in the Longhouse.


Speaks with an obvious Phandalin accent. Fast, clipped, with some words melding together to make a single word. Sometimes hard to understand but can usually be picked up over time.
This character is run by Munterbacon.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1478 22 Years old
Current Residence
Dark Brunette with gold streaks throughout, straight, shoulder-length hair, worn loose.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Celestial

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