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Asmodeus,god of indulgence (æz-MO-dee-us)

    • Lord of Nessus
    • The Lord of the Ninth
    • The Lord of the Ruby Rod
    • Lord of Lies
    • Prince of Evil
    • The Cloven
    • Old Hoof and Horn
    • The Archfiend
    • The Raging Fiend
    • The Reigning Serpent
    • The Rebellious One




Faerûnian pantheon

Subservient deities


Power Level

Greater deity


Lawful evil


Three inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle

Home Plane

Nine Hells






Knowledge, Order, Trickery     Behold, the dark deity of indulgence, patron of oppression and power, who revels in the suffering of mortals! He is the greatest devil, with none to match his might, and the ruler of all devilkind! His shadow looms large over the Nine Hells, as he commands the legions of infernal fiends with an iron fist!  
"I am known by many names. The Lord of Nessus. The Raging Fiend. But you know me as―" — Asmodeus


  Listen, mortal, and heed my words, for I speak of the dread Lord of the Ninth, Asmodeus, chief of the infernal rulers. This vile deity was not content with being just another devil, for his true form was that of a serpent of unfathomable size, its scales black as the deepest pit of the abyss, and its blood a corrosive venom that would melt the flesh from your bones. Asmodeus's form was so massive that it could not fit into any mortal realm, and thus he created avatars in his own image, each one a mockery of the beauty and charm he possessed. But do not be fooled, for behind the facade of his avatars lies a being of pure malice, whose sole purpose is to enslave and torment all who dare to oppose him.   The avatar of Asmodeus is a seductive creature, standing over 13 feet tall with glowing red eyes, a horned head, and a perfectly trimmed beard. Clad in crimson and black, the clothing that adorns him is worth more than most mortals will ever see in their lifetime. But beneath these expensive garments, his body is riddled with bleeding wounds that he seems to take no notice of.   Beware the temptations of this lord of indulgence, for they are but a facade to ensnare your soul and drag it down to the Nine Hells.  


Asmodeus, the Lord of Lies, was a creature of immense power and cunning. His schemes stretched across the planes and through the ages, a web of intrigue and manipulation that left even his own followers trembling in fear. No one knew the true extent of his machinations, for Asmodeus was a master of secrets and deceit, a being who reveled in the confusion and chaos he sowed. But Asmodeus was not merely a mastermind, he was also a skilled orator and a political master of unparalleled skill. He could charm the most stubborn of foes with his eloquence and reason, his honeyed words luring them into serving his twisted ends. He was a being of great charisma, but his generosity was always a trap, a means to ensnare the unwary in his dark designs.   For all his charm and wit, however, Asmodeus was a being of ultimate evil. His desire for power and control was insatiable, his thirst for dominance over all reality unquenchable. He used torture and blackmail to break the wills of his enemies and force them to serve him, and he hoarded secrets and knowledge to claim others as his own.   In his mind, only he had the vision and strength to guide the multiverse to a perfect utopia, a place where every being had a place and purpose under his rule. His rivals were mere pawns, lacking the intelligence and insight to see his grand design. The forces of good were weak and sentimental, unable to grasp the harsh realities of the world. And the forces of the Abyss were loathsome creatures, a threat to his mastery of evil and his position as ruler of all.   But Asmodeus was not invincible. His arrogance and thirst for power could have led to his downfall if he lacked the skill to back it up. Yet time and again, he had thwarted all attempts to bring him down, using his cunning and his vast army of followers to survive even the harshest of challenges. Asmodeus was a creature of ultimate evil, and his rule over the multiverse was a dark and terrible thing.

Law or Evil

"I have heard it said evil is nothing more than good’s absence, as if evil was the darkness to good's light. A comforting thought, I imagine, for those seeking redemption, but, I tell you, put such thoughts from your mind. You need only peer into a demon’s eyes to know evil is not some vacuum waiting for virtue to come and fill its emptiness. Evil is a force. It is an influence in the cosmos, an agency equal to or perhaps even greater than its antithesis. There are two sides in this eternal struggle, one light and the other dark. You might find evil’s works reprehensible, yet to those whose hearts belong to corruption, good deeds are equally deplorable. Understand, there is no redemption, only treason against the side you were born to serve." — Asmodeus


Legend has it that Asmodeus, the embodiment of wickedness, had the audacity to justify his nefarious actions with a twisted sense of honor. He hid behind the laws of Hell, using them as a shield to protect himself from the consequences of his monstrous deeds. But in reality, his true intentions were far from noble. Asmodeus saw himself as the ultimate authority, above all laws and morality, and was willing to go to any lengths to obtain complete control. To him, the souls he harvested were nothing more than tools to achieve his ultimate goal - the destruction of the multiverse and the establishment of his own reign of terror. He saw the Abyss as a mere distraction, a means to an end, and was prepared to use demonkind to accomplish his sinister plans.   The law was merely a tool for Asmodeus, a means to control others and gain more power. He used civilization and its structures to crush his enemies, and his twisted mind saw chaos as an easy target to conquer. Asmodeus believed himself to be the multiverse's chosen protector, above all others, and was willing to break every law in existence to achieve his goal of absolute authority.   Despite his cunning, Asmodeus was not invincible. His facade of foreknowledge and control could crumble, revealing the true evil that lurked beneath. His fury was a sight to behold, a reminder of the evil that dwelled within him.   Beware, for Asmodeus was a master of deception and a true embodiment of wickedness.


"The gods exist in multiplicity, but Asmodeus is unique." — The famous proverb of Philogestes, accursed philosopher of evil. Divine
  Asmodeus, the strongest archdevil, was a matter of debate among the divine beings, as his actual status shifted over time. Some saw him as a primal embodiment of evil, an aspect of a metaphysical serpent concept, or even an overgod similar in nature to the Lady of Pain. Others believed he was only a lesser god, or not even a full-fledged god at all. Nevertheless, Asmodeus was exempt from many rules that governed other deities, and his power remained constant, unaffected by the number of his worshippers. Unlike other deities, Asmodeus had no ability to grant spells to his followers, and his strength did not come from his worshippers. Instead, he acted as a conduit to channel the dark magic of Baator itself to his mortal disciples, who risked the forfeiture of their souls if their patron was not appeased with sentient sacrifices. But after consuming Azuth and ascending to true godhood, Asmodeus gained the ability to grant spells to his followers and remove the need for vile rituals.   Asmodeus also possessed the power to create up to ten avatars, but his ability to do so was stunted. Sending even one avatar to the Prime Material Plane made it impossible for him to maintain any others, limiting his influence and revealing the fragility of his power. Nevertheless, Asmodeus remained a formidable force, his power unmatched by any other devil or deity.


Asmodeus's power over the Nine Hells was absolute and terrifying. He wielded his will like a weapon, able to manipulate the very landscape of any layer of Hell and twist the forms of his archdevils at his whim. He reveled in his ability to change Baalzebul's once-beautiful form into a disgusting giant slug, a testament to the unbridled power he possessed. It was whispered that he could even snuff out the existence of his archdevils with a mere thought, as was suspected in the sudden and mysterious demise of the Hag Countess. But who could say for sure, for with Asmodeus, nothing was ever truly clear. As the ultimate authority in Hell, Asmodeus held the power to demote or promote any devil as he pleased, and was the only one capable of elevating a devil to the coveted rank of archdevil. He was the master of infernal contracts, and breaking an oath with any devil under his command meant eternal damnation in the Nine Hells. With his iron grip on the very fabric of Hell, Asmodeus was a force to be reckoned with, feared by all who dared to cross him.


Asmodeus's avatar was a force to be reckoned with, wielding a vast array of spells that could bend reality to his will. He could raise the dead, dominate the minds of his enemies, and even cast spells as powerful as Wish and True Resurrection once per day. Nothing short of the most enchanted weapons could even hope to harm him physically, and even then, any wounds would heal almost instantaneously unless they were blessed by a higher power. But his true power lay in his ability to bend the wills of others. His mere presence radiated a paralyzing aura that made it almost impossible for anyone to attack him, and his gaze was enough to sap the strength and willpower of even the bravest warrior. His voice was like a sweet poison, irresistible to all but the strongest-willed, and his words could force even the most stalwart of heroes to submit to his will. And if all else failed, he could summon a horde of devils to do his bidding, with a pit fiend or two appearing every hour to do his bidding.


"It’s a glorious blasphemy, a condemnation of all that is good and pure. Gods and demons have obliterated it many times, but like evil itself, the book always returns to enslave, corrupt, and destroy. It’s utterly marvelous." — Asmodeus on the Book of Vile Darkness
Asmodeus's power was further solidified by the Ruby Rod of Asmodeus, a badge of office wielded by each of his avatars. The rod wasn't just a symbol of authority, but a devastating weapon capable of unleashing elemental forces and forcing enemies to cower in fear. It also provided the holder with a field of healing and protection, making it an indispensable tool for any avatar of the Lord of Hell. In fact, Asmodeus often relied on the powers of the Ruby Rod over his innate abilities in combat, making it clear that he wasn't to be underestimated. Asmodeus was also the sole owner of one of the original copies of the Pact Primeval. This document was the foundation on which he and his devils were allowed to damn mortals, making it of the utmost importance to him. He went to great lengths to ensure that it never left Baator, enclosing it in a massive ruby weighing over 20 tons. This act demonstrated the depths of his paranoia and the lengths he would go to maintain his power and control.   The Lord of Hell also possessed a vast collection of souls in his personal citadel, which he was willing to sell for a steep price. Rumored to be entire kingdoms for a single soul, the cost was so exorbitant that only the wealthiest and most desperate would consider making such a deal. Asmodeus's possession of these souls further solidified his power over both the mortal and infernal realms, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Divine realm

"Don't you know you're not allowed here?" — A gelugon guard of the portal to Nessus.
Asmodeus was the undisputed ruler of the entire plane of the Nine Hells of Baator, but he held his seat of power in Nessus, the ninth layer, where his serpentine form remained hidden at the bottom of a treacherous chasm known as the Serpent's Coil, concealed even from the other denizens of the plane. As per devil law, only Asmodeus could issue letters of safe passage for travel within and between the layers, though he never granted such privileges for Nessus, indicating the level of secrecy surrounding his stronghold. His personal palace, Malsheem, was a colossal fortress whose size was said to be immeasurable. Asmodeus placed the utmost importance on his own safety and privacy and therefore rarely left the safety of Malsheem, preferring to delegate the task of carrying out his will to his underlings. Nonetheless, the other archdevils were summoned to Malsheem annually to pledge their loyalty and respect to their master.


"My father's plans are ever delicate things, relying on a hundred thousand points to craft the whole. It would be... a shame, if one of those more critical points were to fail." — Glasya
Asmodeus had a multifaceted agenda, with his ultimate goal being the healing of the wounds he suffered during his ancient fall from grace, and regaining his full power to instigate Armageddon. To achieve this, he sought to expand the power of lawful evil in the multiverse, tipping the cosmic scales in its favor and maintaining his station as the supreme ruler of Hell. This would lead to a catastrophic conflict, potentially ending the Great Wheel cosmology, and Asmodeus could very well be ahead of his ancient schedule. However, the question remained of how Asmodeus could recover from his eons-old injuries, and the answer lay in souls. Baator derived its divine energy from the souls of the damned, a magical force that could be extracted through the merciless torture, destruction of identity, and overall breakdown of corrupt souls. Asmodeus outsourced much of this work to the city of Jangling Hiter in Minauros, using the extracted divine power to heal from his wounds.   Despite the horrific nature of his actions, Asmodeus had been working on his grand design since time immemorial, pursuing his malevolent agenda on three primary fronts, with his true motivations in each obscured to all but a select few.

The Blood War

"I literally sit beneath eight tiers of scheming ambitious entities that represent primal law suffused with evil. The path from this realm leads to an infinite pit of chaos and evil. Now, tell me again how you and your ilk are the victims in this eternal struggle?" — Asmodeus addressing the celestial jury in The Trial of Asmodeus
The Blood War is a never-ending conflict that has raged on for eons between the fiends of the lower planes, and it is often described as a kind of philosophical war over which form of evil will reign supreme. It is an eternal battle that consumes a huge amount of resources and kills millions of fiends daily. The origins of the Blood War are lost to time, and while it is widely believed that Asmodeus, the Lord of the Ninth, played a significant part in its existence and development, he did not start it. In truth, the Blood War was merely the continuation of an ancient conflict that perhaps predated even Asmodeus's own fall, a war of law and chaos that defined and nearly destroyed the young multiverse in an Age Before Ages. That war had long faded into ancient history, the greater conflict deescalating into an uneasy truce between opposing philosophies, but peace was not in the nature of all planar beings.   As demonic and devilish forces reformed and left their plane to explore the wider multiverse, they inevitably made first contact with each other and broke out into instant battling over their differences. Various acts of retribution gradually gave rise to the modern Blood War, the origins of which were of less concern to either party as the timeless tradition of unending brutality.   Asmodeus had only exacerbated this by stealing a sliver of the shard of evil from the Abyss, as the Abyss wanted it back. He recognized that the Blood War was, from a military standpoint, an utterly senseless and wasteful enterprise that consumed a huge amount of resources and killed millions of fiends daily. However, he had many uses for the conflict, not least of which the fact that it at least seemed important.   The Blood War gave his own forces something to focus on, keeping his generals occupied, armies active, and soldiers grimly proud. With even the Dark Eight honestly convinced he saw value in it, Asmodeus distracted his enemies and allies alike with just a few days a year for prosecution conferences and some easy lies.   Despite his generally dismissive attitude towards the Blood War, Asmodeus, unlike some other lawful deities, recognized that it was not an entirely trivial matter. He was well aware that if not kept occupied by the Blood War, demons would eventually overrun reality and kill all its occupants before finally self-terminating as a race.   More to the point, while he viewed them as nothing more than a nuisance, he knew they stood a chance of overwhelming the Hells were they to be united. Asmodeus also hated the gods of the upper planes for essentially leaving him to run the Blood War, he and his devils alone saddled with the dirty work of keeping them and the multiverse safe from the demons.   Once returned to full strength, he intended to sue for peace with demonkind, a cease-fire which only needed to last long enough to twist the Blood War from a battle between different flavors of wickedness to a war between good and evil. Should all go as planned, the celestial realms of the gods who looked down upon the struggle would be ruined and their keepers made to suffer.   This would not be the end of the Blood War, however, nor the extent of Asmodeus's plans for demonkind. The Lord of the Ninth would not rest until the entire heart of the Abyss was in his possession, with which he would become strong enough to subjugate the entire demon race and overthrow all other deities.   He might very well choose to absorb the power of his aspect of law from the multiverse upon reaching his full power and cause the planes to collapse into cosmic chaos. Once the Blood War was finally won once and for all, he would conquer

Infernal politics

Asmodeus, the Lord of the Ninth, was a master of manipulation and deception. He maintained his reign over the Nine Hells by keeping his friends close and his enemies closer. He delegated most of his authority to those he knew sought to replace him, but he always kept an eye on them, watching their every move and anticipating their next steps. Above the common devils were the archdevils, and the highest among them were the archdukes who ruled the first eight layers of Hell. These lords created intricate webs of political plots and deceptions, vying for power and dominance. They were constantly conspiring with and betraying one another and other powers of the planes in their quest for supremacy.   In this fierce rivalry, Asmodeus's servants spent most of their time fighting each other and not him. This system reinforced the Blood War, which was a dreary necessity for most archdukes, but they kept an eye on the Dark Eight to ensure they remained focused on that task.   Asmodeus had spies on every layer of the Nine Hells and plants in each of the courts, with none certain who amongst their ranks were truly loyal to Asmodeus, creating a climate of justified paranoia. He was at least aware of most, if not all plots hatched against him, and had watched the rise and fall of archdevils far craftier than his many contemporaries.   Given his access to ten avatars, Asmodeus could station one on each layer of Hell as needed, with a tenth leftover for extraplanar activity. Asmodeus's avatar was rarely seen on the Material Plane given his restrictions there, so he preferred to influence that plane through others.   As important as an influx of spirits was to his purposes, every damned soul in Hell was so condemned under his name and therefore beholden to him. Effectively exempt from the soul quota other devil lords had to meet, he concentrated his corrupting efforts on figures of cosmic significance such as angels or demigods, occasionally managing to lure such beings into contracts to add new unique devils to Hell's roster.   Asmodeus could not become complacent in his position, however. A role such as his demanded he remain constantly wary of treachery within his ranks, and not even he knew all that went on in the Hells. Furthermore, not even the King of Hell was above the law, as was made clear with the Phlegethos-based Diabolical Court, an independent institution filled with constant plots by various devils to introduce new rules or set favorable precedents. The court might ultimately answer only to Asmodeus, but its functions and decisions were entirely dependent on the impossibly complex, loophole-ridden legal code of the Nine Hells, and he had to acknowledge both when the law was broken and when, however technical, it was not.   Asmodeus's rule over the Nine Hells was one of fear and oppression, with blood and treachery always lurking in the shadows. His spies and plants ensured that he knew of every plot against him, but he could never be too careful. The Diabolical Court kept him in check, and he had to acknowledge their decisions, no matter how unfavorable they might be. In the end, it was clear that Asmodeus was a master of manipulation, deception, and power, and his reign over the Nine Hells was unchallenged.

Spreading Disbelief

Asmodeus, the Lord of the Nine Hells, was consumed by an insatiable hunger for the soul energy of those who had lost faith, especially those of the powerful. While the divine energy he received from the souls of the damned could heal his wounds, the energy of unbelievers was especially enticing to him. He did not merely seek atheists, but those who believed in nothing at all - no divinity, afterlife, or reason to exist. When these souls died, they did not become normal petitioners, but instead reformed in Nessus, regardless of their alignment, to be consumed by Asmodeus until every bit of their true essence was obliterated, fully aware of their suffering the entire time. Although it was unclear why these souls were reborn in Nessus, this rule did not seem to apply in all cases. Before souls became proper petitioners, they arrived in Kelemvor's realm, where the truly faithless were incorporated into the great wall around his city to undergo a similar painful process of dissolution. Some believed that the spirits of unbelievers, lacking the will to go on, might simply cease to exist upon the death of their body. However, Asmodeus did not have to kill a disbelieving soul to feast on their energy, and the process could take centuries to render the victim non-existent.   Asmodeus's ultimate goal was to remake the multiverse according to his vision, and he saw the power of belief as the means to maintain divinity and the configuration of the planes. Thus, unbelief was perhaps his greatest weapon, which he used to undermine the gods and subvert the role of Hell itself in the order of all things. Its furtherance was the primary means by which he empowered himself against his foes, with all his other machinations, from his bloody wars against his direct foes without, to his battles of intrigue against his enemies within, serving as mere diversions and delaying tactics to mask his true motives.   One of Asmodeus's favored tactics for promoting faithlessness was to give covert aid to the Athar of Sigil, a school of thought that rejected the divinity of gods and posited that they were merely powerful beings. Asmodeus also propagated false religions by providing cleric spells to new cults his agents created on the Material Plane. The cult might worship an invented deity tailored to appeal to a specific demographic or be overtly diabolic. Cult leaders were granted divine power until the sect reached the pinnacle of its power, at which point spells were suddenly denied, causing the more extreme members of the cult to reject the concept of divinity altogether. Asmodeus considered the greatest success cases for this scheme to be when they became suicide cults, with its members having lost the will to live.   Apart from weakening the faith of mortals, Asmodeus also smeared the perceived greatness of the gods. Mortals often viewed their deities as too omnipotent to be deceived, but Asmodeus knew better. He had seen firsthand how petty and vengeful gods could be and had instigated several long-running feuds among the gods by subtly planting ideas in the heads of chosen divinities over centuries. By provoking gods into fighting each other, preferably using their followers as representatives, he illustrated their pettiness and sowed discontent among their followers. Those who rejected their original patrons could then be steered toward the Athar or some other cult of his design.   Asmodeus, even after ascending to the status of a true god, continued to exert his influence over the realm of divinity through his own religion. Following the catastrophic Spellplague, a time when many questioned whether the gods had abandoned them or were angry, Asmodeus's followers provided their own answers and a deity to grant them the absolution they sought. In their eyes, Asmodeus offered a reprieve in the afterlife from the uncertain waiting in the Fugue Plane, and a devil to keep them company while their mortal souls were judged. While shrines and temples dedicated to Asmodeus were still relatively scarce, many individuals turned to him for respite during the agonizing wait for a response from their own deities after committing an offense. In the most extreme cases of transgression, his followers believed that he could even conceal their sins from their divine patrons. Asmodeus was known to grant such requests, although his priests warned that a price would have to be paid after death.   Asmodeus's religion offered an alternative to the traditional faiths, which had become increasingly uncertain and unreliable in the wake of the Spellplague. His followers believed that they could rely on him to provide answers and guidance when the traditional gods seemed distant or uncaring. As such, his cult grew in strength and influence, drawing in those who felt abandoned by the established pantheon of deities.   Despite his reputation as a deity of evil and deceit, Asmodeus had succeeded in carving out a niche for himself in the realm of divinity. His followers saw him as a source of comfort and absolution in troubled times, and his religion offered them a sense of security and purpose that was sorely lacking in the wake of the Spellplague.




  Asmodeus, even after becoming a true god, continued to subvert divinity through his own religion, much to the dismay of good-aligned deities who saw him as a threat. Despite this, several primal deities of law signed a deal with him known as the Pact Primeval, granting devils the right to punish lawful evil souls through the exploitation of loopholes. His relations with evil gods were more complicated and less overtly hostile, as Hell's minions were equally willing to turn a follower of theirs to the infernal path as they would one of good powers. However, Asmodeus had forged strategic alliances with several powers of the lower planes, such as Set and Hecate, and even a secret alliance with the demon lord Pazuzu. Both he and his vassals had also made dark pacts with various evil gods long ago, such as Bane, Gruumsh, and Vecna. Despite the ongoing conflicts between these powers, those deities who called Hell their home showed him great respect. This was partly due to the fact that, while their domains were fully outside of Asmodeus's control, it was incredibly clear who was in charge of the Hells.   Rumors of various deities of Hell allying to wrest Baator from Asmodeus occasionally emerged, but they never came to fruition. Even if they were not constrained by their own lawful natures not to upset the established order, they would never be able to decide on who would rule in the Overlord's stead. Asmodeus himself had no desire for an open war in Hell, and the thought of pantheons descending onto his plane and upsetting Hell's delicate power balance filled him with dread.   Despite his antagonistic relationship with good-aligned deities, Asmodeus was able to maintain a delicate balance of alliances and enmities with other evil powers. This enabled him to maintain his iron grip on the Hells, ensuring that his rule remained unchallenged, even as other deities vied for power and control over the multiverse. His cunning and strategic mind, coupled with his immense power and divine status, made him one of the most formidable forces in all of creation.


"Asmodeus confronted Laduguer. The Lord of the Nine laughed, joked, and cajoled with all his guile, but Laduguer remained grim and stoic, refusing to be affected even when the mightiest celestial might have admitted grudging amusement at the devil's antics." — Felstak Goldgrief, Tyrant of Goethelskar
In the legends of the duergar, Asmodeus's defeat at the hands of their god Laduguer is a tale of determination and cunning. Despite the temptations and attacks of Asmodeus's minions, Laduguer stood his ground, unfazed by the devil's charm. Asmodeus himself appeared before Laduguer to try and negotiate a new deal, but even his power and influence could not sway the stubborn dwarf god. In the end, Asmodeus had no choice but to concede to the original pact, which had granted infernal aid to Laduguer in his fight against the oppressive illithids and assistance against the demon queen Lolth in the Underdark. Although the story of Laduguer's triumph over Asmodeus is a source of pride for the duergar, it also speaks to the complex and strategic nature of their relationship with the infernal powers. The duergar have long been known for their skill in making deals and bargaining, and their dealings with Asmodeus are no exception. Through their cunning negotiations, they were able to secure the aid they needed to win their freedom and overcome their enemies.   Despite his defeat, Asmodeus remains a formidable foe, and his influence continues to be felt throughout the realms. Many beings, both mortal and divine, have fallen under his sway, and his power is a force to be reckoned with. However, tales like that of Laduguer's victory over the devil serve as a reminder that even the most powerful beings can be outwitted and defeated, and that determination and cunning can often triumph over brute force and raw power.


      In the ancient days, Asmodeus had been involved in some unknown venture with Jazirian, the deity of the couatls, and it was during this time that Jazirian had gained some insight into Asmodeus's true nature. Though the couatl god could have alerted the other gods of law and good to this information, they instead chose to remain in the shadows, gathering intelligence through their offspring and personal endeavors to decipher the devil lord's plans. With several theories but no certain knowledge, Jazirian harbored concerns about what Asmodeus might do, but still held onto the hope that he retained enough of his lawful nature not to attempt the destruction of the cosmos.   Should Asmodeus make such an attempt, Jazirian and the couatls were prepared to confront him with all their might. For they firmly believed that the laws of reality were to be upheld, rather than remade to suit the whims of those in power. Asmodeus, on his part, regarded his past cooperation with Jazirian as a grave error, one that he had no intention of repeating. However, despite his distaste for Jazirian's meddling in his affairs, Asmodeus could not deny the god's intelligence and tenacity. He knew that the couatl deity could prove to be a formidable opponent if he ever crossed their path.


"Bael, Geryon, Hutijin, Moloch - they are pawns. Even the lords of layers such as Zariel and Mammon are merely more powerful pieces. Archdevils may make dramatic moves, but it is Asmodeus who plays the game best." — Mordenkainen
Asmodeus's influence on devilkind was profound, and in many ways, he was their creator and ultimate master. Legends claim that it was from his very blood that the first baatezu were born, and others tell of how he led those who would become the first devils down the dark path into Hell. Regardless of the specifics, there is no denying that Asmodeus was the father of devilkind, both in spirit and in the hierarchy of Hell itself. Every devil within Hell's hierarchy served Asmodeus, either directly or indirectly through a line of authority that ultimately traced back to him. He was the ultimate authority, above both the archdevils and commoners, a category of devil onto himself. Even those who had reached greater status reported to him when uncertain, knowing that his word was law.   The Lords of the Nine, the most powerful and influential archdevils in Hell, derived their power from the fraction of Asmodeus's essence he invested in them. It was through the Lords, including Asmodeus himself, that all devilkind derived their divine magic. This arrangement ensured that Asmodeus maintained ultimate control over his devilish minions and could easily quell any rebellious thoughts or actions.   Despite his status as the ultimate authority in Hell, Asmodeus was not a tyrant or dictator. He understood the importance of loyalty, and those who served him well were rewarded accordingly. Conversely, those who betrayed him or otherwise failed him were met with swift and merciless punishment. This combination of power, respect, and fear ensured that Asmodeus remained the undisputed ruler of Hell and the ultimate authority over all devilkind.

Lords of the nine hells

"Zariel has proven to be a prized possession." — Asmodeus
Asmodeus's position as the Lord of the Nine Hells was undisputed, as every devil within the hierarchy of Hell owed their allegiance to him. It was said that he was the father of all devilkind, and while the exact nature of his role in their creation varied among legends, there was no denying that he was the ultimate authority figure in their society. The Lords of the Nine derived their power from the fraction of his essence he invested in them, and it was through them that all devilkind derived their divine magic. Asmodeus's power was such that even the archdevils of Hell, the most powerful among devilkind, sought his throne. Despite their insincere displays of devotion and sworn oaths of fealty, none had the courage to move openly against him. Asmodeus made his superiority publicly clear in an event called the Reckoning of Hell, where he demonstrated his ability to foil them all and emerge entirely unscathed. He annually called the archdevils to his court in Malsheem, a summons that none ever refused.   When the position of an archduke needed to be filled, it was his right to choose who would do so, always selecting one of the unique devils in Hell's ranks. However, Asmodeus had the power to transform even mortal beings into archdevils before appointing them to archdukedom, adding them to his roster of loyal subjects.


Among the archdevils who directly served Asmodeus was Zariel, a powerful warrior who had been defeated in battle and brought before him. Asmodeus admired her passion for warfare and commended her battle prowess, offering her rulership of Avernus and thus a chance to fight directly against demonkind in the Blood War. She accepted his terms and became a valuable asset in Asmodeus's arsenal. Despite her loyalty, many whispered of Zariel's true agenda in the Hells - vengeance against Asmodeus and a desire to drive him from the Pit entirely. Some even theorized that he had secretly masterminded her defeat at the hands of Bel and the Dark Eight, before later reinstating her after Bel proved inadequate at driving the demons from Avernus. According to one tale, he may very well have been responsible for inflaming her already potent rage before her descent, setting the groundwork for her eventual fall.   Asmodeus remained ever vigilant of any potential threats to his rule, knowing that his power and authority were constantly being tested. But as the undisputed master of Hell, he continued to reign supreme, his dark influence spreading throughout the cosmos.  


According to the Pact Primeval, Dispater's origins trace back to Asmodeus's inner circle, predating his descent into Baator. Dispater's loyalty to Asmodeus is legendary, even amongst his fellow archdevils, and is considered one of the strongest bonds of fealty in all of Baator. Dispater remained unscathed after the Reckoning, a testament to his cunning and strategic prowess, as well as his unwavering loyalty to the Lord of the Nine. Dispater was keenly aware of the risks of betraying Asmodeus, knowing that the punishment for insurrection would be severe and unforgiving. As a result, only a direct command from Asmodeus could compel him to leave the safety of his iron tower, and he returned to it as quickly as possible once his tasks were completed. Despite his unyielding devotion, Dispater's paranoia had been stoked by his advisor, Titivilus. The whisperings of Titivilus convinced him that Asmodeus was plotting to remove him from power, and that his status as an archduke was in jeopardy. However, Dispater was a master of subterfuge and deception, and never let his concerns show outwardly. He bided his time, waiting for the perfect moment to act against his perceived enemies.   Dispater's ambitions were tempered by his practicality, and he recognized that his chances of success were slim. He would only take action if he believed the reward outweighed the risk. And while Dispater was not one to openly defy Asmodeus, he was not above quietly maneuvering behind the scenes to advance his interests. Should Dispater ever discover a scheme or opportunity that would tip the balance in his favor, he would not hesitate to seize it, even if it meant turning against his lord and master.  


Mammon, the archduke of Minauros, was infamous for his shameless sycophancy and groveling before Asmodeus. He was willing to perform the most humiliating and pathetic acts before the King of Hell, just to maintain his position as one of the most powerful archdukes. When Asmodeus emerged victorious in the Reckoning, Mammon was quick to betray his co-conspirators and groveled before the ruler of the Nine Hells without hesitation. This act of treachery ensured Mammon's continued position of power, and Asmodeus either punished him by transforming his form or did so at Mammon's suggestion as a way of symbolizing his loyalty. Mammon despised his new form and longed for the day when he could cast off the curse and ascend to rule Hell with a certain someone at his feet. This someone was none other than Asmodeus's daughter, Glasya. The nature of their relationship was shrouded in mystery. Some speculated that Asmodeus was using Mammon to punish his daughter, while others believed that Glasya was using Mammon to annoy her father. There was even some speculation that there was a twisted and genuine passion and romance between the two.   Despite Asmodeus's forbiddance of their relationship, Glasya and Mammon continued to consort with one another, until Glasya removed herself from her father's watchful eye. It was unclear whether their relationship had resumed after that point. Nonetheless, Mammon remained one of the most loyal archdevils to Asmodeus, willing to do whatever it takes to maintain his position of power in Hell.  

Belial and Fierna:

Belial, one of the oldest archdevils in Hell, had a long history of ruling over Phlegethos, the fourth layer of the Nine Hells. As the overseer of the Diabolical Court, he was in charge of ensuring that all of the judges answered only to Asmodeus himself. Despite his long reign, he knew better than to challenge the King of Hell openly. After the Reckoning, Belial decided to step down from his position, hoping to escape Asmodeus's wrath. Asmodeus, however, was not easily deceived. He knew that Belial was still plotting against him, but he allowed Belial to place his daughter Fierna on the throne of Phlegethos. It was a cunning move, as it gave Asmodeus leverage over both Belial and Fierna. Belial's plans for covert conquest of other layers of Hell were continually stalled, as he feared retaliation from Asmodeus for attacking his daughter and from Fierna for attacking her "best friend."   Despite the tension, there was a period of uncertainty during which it wasn't clear who was really in charge of Phlegethos. Eventually, Asmodeus waived the normal principle regarding sharing archdukedom and dubbed both Belial and Fierna as the rulers of the fourth layer of Hell. This move solidified their position and allowed them to work together to strengthen their hold over Phlegethos.   Belial's cunning and long history of leadership made him a formidable opponent, even in the face of Asmodeus's power. With his daughter by his side, he was determined to maintain his position and continue to scheme against his enemies in Hell.  


Levistus, one of the oldest and most cunning archdevils, was granted Stygia during Hell's founding due to his charm and competence. However, he was also known for being the first devil to attempt to betray Asmodeus. His treacherous quest for power led him to commit unforgivable acts, and as punishment, he was sealed in a giant block of ice. Even when he was later reinstated as an archduke, he was not released from his icy tomb, and his hatred for Asmodeus continued to fester. Despite being trapped in ice, Levistus was still a force to be reckoned with. He held a special spite in his heart for Asmodeus and was determined to seek revenge against the King of Hell. He remained brazenly arrogant and provocative towards Asmodeus, behavior that was often tolerated with seeming indifference. Asmodeus had little patience for Levistus, and he only freed him annually so he could attend the meetings with the other archdevils. It was said that whenever Levistus's tomb moved in an unwanted direction, the sound of Asmodeus's soft laughter could be heard.   Asmodeus further punished Levistus by mandating that he become a patron of survival, offering escape to those in danger. This role, however, also served as a means for Asmodeus to keep a watchful eye on Levistus's actions. It was speculated that Levistus's reinstatement as an archduke was part of an ingenious diversion by Asmodeus. This theory implied that Levistus's own schemes were used to cloak Asmodeus's designs and that he would need to be cautious in his future behavior.   Later, Levistus's struggle against Geryon fueled rumors that Asmodeus had orchestrated the conflict to either make the archdukes overcome their worst impulses or to lay the groundwork for a superior lord. Despite his thirst for revenge against Asmodeus, Levistus came to accept this theory, acknowledging that he needed to watch his own behavior going forward.  


"Of course I love my father. Without him, whom would I have to strive against?" — Glasya
Glasya, the daughter of Asmodeus, was an enigmatic figure within the hierarchy of Hell. Some speculated that Asmodeus had merely adopted her as his own, but regardless of the truth of her parentage, she was treated as his child and was fiercely loyal to him. Asmodeus, in turn, was a doting father, at least by the twisted standards of infernal beings. However, their long history was riddled with conflict and tension, as Glasya remained defiant and dissatisfied with his attempts to bring her under control. She brought him no small amount of grief before they eventually came to an understanding. Despite this rocky relationship, Asmodeus eventually appointed Glasya as archduchess. Some wondered if this was meant as a punishment, a reward, or simply a pragmatic measure to keep her ambitions in check. Indeed, the true nature of Asmodeus's intentions towards his daughter remained a mystery. Some speculated that he sought to consolidate his rule in Hell, while others believed he was looking to expand his influence in the planes beyond.   Glasya, for her part, was not content to remain in her father's shadow. She sought power and influence of her own, and was not above using her father's name to further her own goals. Her ambition and cunning were matched only by her beauty, which she used to devastating effect on those who dared to cross her.   Despite her loyalty to Asmodeus, Glasya was not above betraying him if it suited her purposes. Her schemes and machinations were the stuff of legend, and many whispered that she was even more dangerous than her father. But for all her power and cunning, Glasya remained haunted by the question of her own identity. Was she truly Asmodeus's daughter, or was there some other, darker truth behind her existence? Only time would tell.


Baalzebul's journey from an archon of Mount Celestia to a powerful archduke of Hell is steeped in mystery and controversy. There are numerous speculations about his transformation and fall from grace, but the one thing that remains clear is his unbridled ambition and unwavering desire for perfection. Baalzebul, originally known as Triel, was said to be obsessed with achieving absolute perfection, which ultimately led to his banishment to the Nine Hells, where he was embraced by Asmodeus. Asmodeus quickly recognized Baalzebul's potential and made him a devil, granting him an archduchy in the seventh hell. The two became close friends, and some even speculated that Baalzebul was the closest thing Asmodeus had to a true friend. However, Baalzebul's desire for power and perfection led to a series of events that put him at odds with the Dark Lord. He plotted to overthrow Asmodeus during the Reckoning, a move that proved to be his undoing. Asmodeus was offended by Baalzebul's treachery and punished him mercilessly, transforming him into a hideous, degenerate slug.   Despite his fall from grace, Baalzebul remained undaunted and sought to prove his worth once again to Asmodeus. He wanted to regain the Dark Lord's favor and perhaps even ascend to the throne of Hell. His ultimate goal was to exact revenge on Asmodeus for his defeat and shaming, a curse that he saw as intolerable humiliation. However, Asmodeus occasionally showed favor to his fallen foe, much to the confusion and consternation of other archdukes.   The complex relationship between Asmodeus and Baalzebul has left many questions unanswered. Some speculate that Asmodeus engineered Baalzebul's fall from grace as part of a grand plan, while others believe that Baalzebul's ambition and desire for perfection ultimately led to his downfall. Regardless of the truth, Baalzebul's story serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the price of perfection.  


Mephistopheles, one of the greatest archdukes of Hell, had an intriguing relationship with Asmodeus, the ruler of the Nine Hells. Legend has it that they were once companions before descending into Hell, and Mephistopheles quickly became Asmodeus's most trusted ally. As his most trusted confidant, Mephistopheles was often sought out for his counsel, and he acted as a godfather to Glasya, Asmodeus's daughter. However, despite this close relationship, Mephistopheles was also Asmodeus's greatest enemy and his chief rival. He was more open and honest than any other archduke in his ambition to usurp Asmodeus's throne, and he was not shy about declaring his intentions to his dark lord. Despite this, Asmodeus seemed to tolerate Mephistopheles's arrogance and covetousness, allowing him to make his claims without much intervention.   Part of the reason Asmodeus allowed Mephistopheles's boldness was that it helped to distract from the more subtle machinations of other archdukes, like Baalzebul. Additionally, Mephistopheles's open ambition provided Asmodeus with an opportunity to gauge the true loyalty of his followers, as Mephistopheles was unwaveringly loyal to himself, even when it meant going against Asmodeus.   Mephistopheles's ultimate goal was to become King of Hell, a position that he believed was his destiny. He maintained his jealousy towards his fellow archdukes, despite his pre-eminent position in Hell. However, he also knew that he could not depose Asmodeus without a significant shift in power. He waited patiently for an opportunity, hoping that Asmodeus would make a catastrophic mistake that would give him the opening he needed to seize power.   In the meantime, Mephistopheles continued to offer his counsel to Asmodeus, biding his time until the right moment to strike. Despite their rivalry, he remained one of Asmodeus's most trusted allies, and it was clear that the two had a complicated and dynamic relationship that would continue to evolve over time.

Other Arch devils


Bel, a renowned military tactician in the Hells, was considered one of the most successful infernal lords in history. His expertise was demonstrated through his infamous Four-Cross maneuver, where he appeared to betray Asmodeus twice to deceive the demons, which ended up crippling them for an entire decade. Bel later seized control of all of Hell's armies and overthrew the previous Lord of Avernus, expecting an immediate attack. However, to his surprise, Asmodeus supported him instead of punishing him for his treasonous actions. Some speculated that Asmodeus had planned out Bel's rebellion, replacing Zariel with him as a puppet ruler beholden to the Dark Eight's will. Despite his newfound power, Bel found himself isolated from other infernal nobles, with little time for anything but the ongoing Blood War. His policy was to support Asmodeus in the hopes of advancing further, feeding him information on the other lords through his spy network. Although Asmodeus appreciated Bel's efforts, he did not always find the information useful. Asmodeus decreed that the other archdukes must fund Bel's military endeavors with souls and soldiers. Over time, Bel had amassed such resources that he could potentially march against any other archduke and achieve some success. However, he seemed to have no desire to do so, content with his appointed position as sentry of the Hells and loyal to Asmodeus first and himself later.   Asmodeus eventually replaced Bel with the fallen angel Zariel, whom he had previously imprisoned. Although Bel did not try to depose her since she seemed to have Asmodeus's favor, he undermined her and encouraged unwise behavior in the hopes that she would seem inept. Bel eagerly awaited the chance to permanently rid himself of Zariel and retake his role as Warlord of Avernus.  


Tiamat's complicated relationship with Asmodeus can be traced back to her contractual binding to Avernus on terms known only to the archdevils. This special enmity made her both a potential ally and a dangerous foe to the King of Hell. Asmodeus had previously granted Tiamat rulership over the layer, but her inability to keep outcast devils from attempting regime-threatening coups led to her demotion. Despite this, Asmodeus did not punish her as his mind-probing revealed no actual disloyalty. Instead, he reasoned that her focus on building her own power and kingdom would lead her to fight outcasts and intruders more effectively than if given the task of ruling Avernus. As a result, Tiamat was left with the formal duty of guarding the best-known passage way between Avernus and Dis, which she fulfilled by stationing an aspect there dedicated to guarding the way. However, she was left with the notion that she could return to rule with a satisfactory performance. While Tiamat's "true" self was in Avernus, another aspect maintained and shifted domains elsewhere. During the Spellplague, this aspect fell into the hands of an empowered Bane. Tiamat wisely decided not to directly confront the god of tyranny but served him faithfully while learning and accurately relaying his secrets to Asmodeus. This greatly pleased the King of Hell.   Eventually, Tiamat found her moment to strike and steal a great portion of Bane's divine power, passing any she didn't need to heal her enslaved form and link it with her other body to Asmodeus. Delighted by the gift, Asmodeus extended the offer of leadership to her once more. Even he was surprised when Tiamat refused on the basis that she neither desired nor would suit such a position. Instead, Tiamat willingly offered to become Asmodeus's champion on Avernus and slay all who she knew plotted against him. She suggested that Bel would prove a superior lord and one not to be spurned and made a foe. Touched by this, Asmodeus held a great ceremony formally titling Tiamat “Guardian to the Gate of the Second Layer."   However, Asmodeus had other plans in mind. He turned his subordinates against each other, privately urging Tiamat to provide covert magical aid to an imprisoned Zariel while at the same time preparing Bel to mentally dominate her. As a result, Tiamat was imprisoned in her Avernus kingdom in the name of keeping down any personal ambitions. Secretly enraged, Tiamat believed Asmodeus and the others saw her as a "mere monster" to be duped and exploited. She became determined to obtain some level of freedom from the King of Hell and seek revenge for his betrayal.


The story of Geryon, the Lord of Stygia, is a tale of loyalty, betrayal, and mystery. As one of the most trusted aides of Asmodeus, Geryon was initially a celestial being who joined forces with the Lord of Hell in hopes of healing his mental wounds caused by a failed attempt to heal his broken body with the essence of his fallen comrades. In return for his loyalty and service, Asmodeus promised to help Geryon heal his fractured mind, and the two became inseparable partners in matters of war and espionage. Over time, Geryon's loyalty to Asmodeus became tinged with malice, and he began committing evil acts more out of spite than obedience. Despite this, he was eventually made Lord of Stygia to replace Levistus, and although he disliked the burdens of leadership, he enjoyed intrigue and maintained a stable, albeit unremarkable, reign up until the Reckoning.
"Join with me and mine, for I would welcome such power and such hatred. I can offer you power such as you have never known, a realm of possibilities undreamt of. You shall sit at my right hand, that none might gainsay you... I offer to make you whole." — Asmodeus to Geryon in the Codex of Betrayal.
  During the Reckoning, Geryon served as a spy for Asmodeus, seemingly siding with Mephistopheles only to betray him and signal all the commanders to turn against their leaders. This move surprised everyone, including Asmodeus, who punished his only loyal lord with exile and raised entombed Levistus back to the rank of archduke.   It remains unclear where Geryon went or why Asmodeus forsook him. Theories abound, ranging from the idea that it was a punishment or a reward, a scheme of utility to manipulate him or other archdevils, a way of sending a secret message, or even done just to feast on his despair. Despite his exile, Geryon eventually returned to Stygia and waged war against Levistus with the tacit permission of Asmodeus.   Although Geryon hated Asmodeus for stripping him of his power, he remained uncertain of the reason and not necessarily unwilling to comply depending on the circumstances. His story is one of the most intriguing among the archdevils, filled with questions that have yet to be fully answered.  


Moloch, the fearsome archdevil, was once Hell's greatest warrior. His unyielding hatred towards Asmodeus's enemies and his constant service to the Lord of the Ninth earned him the rulership over Malbolge, granted by none other than Asmodeus himself eons ago. Although technically he was not an archduke, he ruled Malbolge as viceroy of Baalzebul, who was also granted dominion over the realm. Moloch's promotion was not solely based on his merits, but also because his animosity towards the other archdevils, especially his ongoing conspiracies with Baalzebul for control, would keep them well occupied.   In the aftermath of the Reckoning, Moloch stood defiant against Asmodeus, convinced that his strength would be respected by the Lord of the Ninth, as the other archdevils begged for mercy. However, unbeknownst to him, this advice was fed to him as part of a vast conspiracy to dethrone him. His refusal to bow before Asmodeus got him angrily demoted and banished, proving that no one, not even the mighty Moloch, could challenge the Lord of the Ninth without consequences.   Left to brood over his downfall, Moloch came to resent the ascension of Glasya to the position of archduchess of his former realm. It was a clear act of favoritism by her father, Asmodeus, towards his own blood, and Moloch couldn't help but feel betrayed once again. He vowed to reclaim his power and glory, even if it meant plotting against the Lord of the Ninth himself. The fires of hatred that burned within him were only stoked by his banishment, and Moloch knew that he would not rest until he had avenged himself and restored his place in Hell's hierarchy.  


Malagard was a master manipulator and the night hag consort of the infamous archdevil Moloch. Her cunning and poisoned words led to the downfall of the previous Lord of the Sixth and paved the way for her own ascension to the position of archduchess. Although she had witnessed the immense power of Asmodeus, Malagard had no interest in involving herself in Hell's politics or interfering with the Lord of the Ninth's reign. Instead, her focus was on achieving divinity, a lofty goal that would have elevated her to godhood. Despite her ambition, Malagard ultimately fell out of favor with Asmodeus and met her demise at his hand. Her attempts to achieve godhood through a mysterious ritual were thwarted, leaving many to wonder what went wrong. Some speculated that her downfall was a result of her own hubris or incompetence, while others believed that Asmodeus had deliberately undermined her efforts.   Interestingly, Malagard's rise to power as an archduchess was met with skepticism by many denizens of Hell. Some believed that Asmodeus had only elevated her as a temporary placeholder until he could come to terms with his daughter, Glasya. Regardless of the reasons behind her appointment, Malagard was a formidable figure in Hell's hierarchy, and her fate serves as a cautionary tale to those who would dare to cross the Lord of the Ninth.  


Gargauth, once an archduke of Hell, was a formidable figure in the Hells and second only to Asmodeus himself. However, for reasons that remain shrouded in mystery, he was banished from Baator, and the rumors surrounding his exile are varied and conflicting. Some scholars believe that he dared to challenge the Lord of the Ninth and paid the price for his audacity, while others suggest that the loss of a close friend at Asmodeus's hands drove him from the Hells. There are also those who speculate that Gargauth left of his own accord, perhaps sent to the Material Plane by Asmodeus to carry out a secret mission. Despite his exile, Gargauth maintained close ties with Asmodeus, and the two were on as friendly terms as any devil could be. Gargauth saw Asmodeus as the most capable archdevil, and he kept a watchful eye on the loyalties of devils on the Material Plane, reporting back to the Lord of the Ninth. While Gargauth was sought after by ambitious archdevils for his immense power, he never supported any attempt to unseat Asmodeus, and any meeting convened for that purpose was quickly reported back to the Lord of the Ninth.   However, Gargauth had a deep-seated belief in his own superiority over everyone else in the Nine Hells. His followers believed that he had grand plans for Faerun, and that he ultimately intended to turn the world into his own personal tenth Hell. Despite his close relationship with Asmodeus, Gargauth's ambitions could not be contained within the bounds of Baator, and it is said that his ultimate goal was nothing less than godhood itself. However, whether he achieved this lofty aspiration remains a mystery.  


With his striking features and smooth, seductive voice, the demon lord Graz'zt is a master of temptation and intrigue. Whispers of his past only add to his mystique, for some say that he was once an archdevil, a trusted advisor to the mighty Asmodeus himself. It is said that Graz'zt was tasked with retrieving the heart of the Abyss, and though he was initially successful in conquering three layers, he was eventually forced to pause and reconsider his strategy. But what caused this devil to turn his back on his former master? Some believe that Graz'zt grew dissatisfied with the limited power and freedom offered by Baator and instead favored the vast, chaotic realms of the Abyss. In rejecting his heritage and status, he made his conquests his own kingdom of Azzagrat, a place where he could rule with his own brand of seductive charm and cunning.   Only Graz'zt knows the truth about his ties to Asmodeus, and some rumors suggest that their relationship was far more intimate than that of mere master and servant. Whispers in the dark suggest that Asmodeus was actually Graz'zt's father, born of a dark and terrible union between the devil lord and the obyrith lord Pale Night. Such scandalous rumors only serve to add to Graz'zt's allure, for who can resist the tantalizing appeal of such a devilishly wicked backstory?   Whether he truly cut ties with Asmodeus or is secretly colluding with him, Graz'zt remains a master of intrigue and temptation, using his hypnotic gaze and seductive voice to bend others to his will. And who can blame them? For when Graz'zt speaks, his words are like honey, his very presence like a warm embrace on a cold, lonely night.  


  In the infernal hierarchy of Hell, Asmodeus stood at the pinnacle of power, commanding respect and fear from all who bowed to his authority. Though his strength and cunning were renowned throughout the Nine Hells, even he knew that his position was not invincible. The mere possibility of a unified front against him filled the Lord of the Nine with dread, for he knew that the archdukes might prove able to overpower him if they managed to overcome their differences. Among the archdevils, there were those who posed a threat to Asmodeus's reign. Dispater, for instance, was seemingly invulnerable within his Iron Tower and had crafted an impenetrable suit of armor, the full features of which were known only to himself. Mammon, the archdevil of greed, might very well be wealthier than Asmodeus, while Fierna was his equal in terms of charisma. Levistus's infamous deed, should the truth behind it be made clear, had the potential to utterly undermine Asmodeus's authority, and his sly trickery had turned many former members of his own spy network against him.   But perhaps the greatest danger to Asmodeus came from within his own ranks. Glasya, the seductive daughter of the Lord of the Nine, had managed to defy, subvert, and embarrass her father multiple times. None could say how many of the Dark Eight he appointed to watch her would turn to her side if they went to war. Some suspected Asmodeus considered Baalzebul a worthy adversary, for while he may have been the most clever, cunning, and artful of the archdevils, the Lord of the Flies may have been a superior intellect.   Yet it was Mephistopheles who was perhaps the one archdevil Asmodeus feared on his own. Whispers in the dark claimed that the magical might of the Lord of Cania was great enough that even his master was deterred from interfering with him. Furthermore, the exile Gargauth rivaled Asmodeus in posturing and wiliness, and through his stronger sense of humor surpassed him in self-control and strategy. Such was his ability that he would prove dangerous competition if he ever desired Asmodeus's throne. Even Bel, the archdevil of tyranny, had the capacity to "become a problem" were he to finish absorbing the powers of Zariel.   To prevent any threat to his authority, Asmodeus plied his skill in diplomacy and intrigue to carefully foster rivalry, distrust, and feuding across the Hells. He always managed to seemingly align himself with the winning side in any conflict. For the power balance of Hell was a fragile thing, and the fall of the wrong lord at the wrong time had the potential to unleash utter catastrophe throughout the Nine Hells and planes beyond. The Lord of the Nine knew that to maintain his position, he must always be vigilant and stay one step ahead of his enemies, both within and without.  


Asmodeus was a master of diplomacy and intrigue, carefully fostering rivalry, distrust, and feuding among his subjects on Nessus. However, even he could not deny the power and influence of his most notable subjects.
  • Adramalech, the Chancellor of Hell and Keeper of Records, had vast knowledge of the Hells and was a valuable asset to Asmodeus.
  • Alastor, the Executioner of Nessus, was a fearsome devil who was unwaveringly loyal to Asmodeus and believed to be his closest friend and confidant.
  • Baalberith, the Major Domo of Asmodeus's palace, was responsible for the palace guard and ensured the safety of the King of Hell.
  • Bensozia, the consort of Asmodeus and Queen of Hell, had unfortunately passed away. However, her memory still lingered on in the Hells.
  • Buer, a commander of fifteen companies of pit fiends, was a loyal subject of Asmodeus, and his loyalty had never been in question.
  • Bune, a commander of thirty companies of cornugons, was naturally defiant to everyone stronger than him, but he saw Asmodeus as the most powerful and therefore safest archdevil to follow.
  • Martinet, the Constable of Nessus, was responsible for maintaining order and ensuring that the King of Hell's laws were upheld.
  • Morax, a commander of nine companies of pit fiends, was loyal to Asmodeus and respected him for his great might.
  • Phongor, the Inquisitor of Hell, was responsible for providing Asmodeus with accurate information about the planes and was the most feared devil in Nessus besides Asmodeus himself.
  • Rimmon, a commander of five companies of gelugons, lacked personal pride but was loyal to Asmodeus.
  • The Spark Hunters were a group of six hamatula rangers/mortal hunters who acted as Asmodeus's elite agents on the Material Plane. They were feared and respected by mortals and devils alike. Zagum, a commander of thirty companies of hamatula, was a powerful devil who commanded a formidable army.
  Despite their power and influence, Asmodeus knew that the power balance of Hell was a fragile thing, and the fall of the wrong lord at the wrong time had the potential to unleash utter catastrophe throughout the Nine Hells and beyond. Thus, he continued to play his skillful game of diplomacy and intrigue, carefully aligning himself with the winning side in any conflict to maintain his position as the undisputed King of Hell.


Harken, mortals! Hear of the dark lord Asmodeus, whose power and influence span across all of creation. He desires the souls of mortals and has amassed a legion of followers to do his bidding. Asmodeus is the dominant figure amongst those who worship devils, and his followers are legion. His cult subsumes all others, and every diabolic cult is merely a subdivision of his own. All who draw power from infernal sources ultimately draw from him, and he is the final authority on what benefits an archduke is allowed to provide.   His influence extends to all levels of society, even in the bastions of good. His followers hail from every race, including the monstrous ones. Asmodeus courted influence among the organized races of lawful evil humanoids, and many creatures of evil revere him as the patron of might and tyranny.   Those who follow Asmodeus aspire to wealth, prestige, and most of all, power. They see their way to great power through him, a path that provides access to the otherwise unattainable. They are imperious figures whose great personal magnetism makes them natural leaders, and they use their pre-existing influence and affluence to raise each other into higher positions of prominence. The cult functions as a secret and sinister mutual-aid society whose members use their wealth and influence to aid each other.   In societies devoted to him, all advancement is tied to membership in the cult, whether it be political, social, or economic. Asmodeus's temples dominate the landscape in predominantly lawful evil societies and operate openly. However, in areas hostile to lawful evil, the temples are hidden in subterranean complexes, and the nature of their god is hidden from unproven initiates.
"Merciless lord of the Ninth Hell, keeper of all things forbidden and unknown, master of all you encounter, Asmodeus, I call on your dread name." — Gilliard DeRosan
  All temples are full of his symbols; his ruby-tipped rod emblem is used for subtlety, while his skull-gripping clawed fist is used in devil-dominated societies. All temples are well-appointed and protected through the financially empowering favor of Asmodeus.   Asmodeus has no soul quota of his own and is no stranger to subcontracting cults to other figures. He has an interesting relationship with the cults of his two most powerful rivals, Mephistopheles and Baalzebul. Mephistopheles traditionally operates cults for Asmodeus, while Baalzebul's cults are often better insurgents than governors, and so occasionally, he and Asmodeus swap temples.   Asmodeus also maintains several unconventional mortal casters, including warlocks. The most common origin of warlocks in the realms is infernal, and of all the archdevils, it is Asmodeus who maintains the most pacts with such mortals. The great effort he spends in this endeavor serves to grant him influence on different planes and solidify his supremacy.   In addition, there are his domineering disciples of darkness, callous in their quest for unlimited power, ruthlessly striving for nothing less than world domination. The most worthy cult leaders, whether directly in his cult or not, are granted the power to drain the vitality of their allies, even doing so automatically when unconscious.   Beware the power of Asmodeus, mortals, for it is vast and all-encompassing. Those who worship him do so at their peril, for his power corrupts and his influence spreads like a cancer.  

After Divinity

Harken, ye who dare to speak the name of Asmodeus, for he is a god now, risen to divinity during the Spellplague. His mortal followers grow by the day, drawn to his power and influence, though the weak-willed among them call it devil worship. But know this: Asmodeus no longer requires vile rituals to channel his divine might, unlike the lesser lords of Hell. Nay, he offers great and quick rewards to those who would submit their souls to his service, indulging in the pleasures of life and tempting others to do the same. He even grants true resurrection to the faithful, through his authorized intermediaries.   But beware the price of his temptations, for they come at the cost of your very soul. The mordai, his priests, prey on greed and impatience, corrupting all who they touch and binding them to eternal damnation in the Nine Hells. You will acknowledge Asmodeus as your true master, to be obeyed without faltering in word or deed.   And yet, his church subverts the divine order, offering absolution and reprieve from the torturous wait for a god's response. To the ambitious among us, the mordai offer power and pleasures immortal in the hierarchy of Hell, a chance to master their own fates and achieve their goals over eternity.   Even the powerful are not exempt from eternal service, though the greatest of Asmodeus's mortal servants may receive instant transformation into pit fiends upon their death. Beware his lures, for they are but hooks to snare your soul and condemn you to eternal damnation.  


The Lord of the Nine Hells, Asmodeus, and his wicked allies, the Toril Thirteen, performed a dark and unholy ritual after the Spellplague. With his dark powers, Asmodeus marked all tieflings in the world as his own blood, cursing them to resemble him and his infernal ways. But his hold over his so-called children was not absolute, and many tieflings chose to spurn the Lord of the Nine and follow their own paths, aligning themselves with opposing fiendish factions or rejecting infernal politics altogether. Despite this, there were still many tieflings who were drawn to the dark lord's power, for he was the most frequent provider of warlock pacts to their kind. And for those willing to pay the ultimate price, Asmodeus was even willing to offer a direct infernal bloodline and transformation into a tiefling. But such a pact came at a terrible cost—the soul of whoever dared to seek such a thing.   The Ashmadai, a violent and fanatical cult of Asmodeus, had taken root in Neverwinter, the land where the largest tiefling population could be found. Their presence caused suspicion and fear to spread among the tieflings, for they were seen as nothing more than pawns of the Lord of the Nine, ready to do his bidding at any cost. And so, the tieflings of Neverwinter lived in a constant state of distrust, their lives forever marked by the curse of Asmodeus.  


Hear now the tale of the dark Lord Asmodeus, whose influence stretched far and wide even among the cunning and treacherous shadar-kai of Netheril. But his grasp did not stop there, for after the death of Laduguer, the god of the duergar, Asmodeus saw an opportunity to manipulate and deceive the dwarven race. He would take on the guise of their fallen deity, and even those who remained loyal to their true gods could not help but feel the call of the Lord of the Nine Hells, whispering to them promises of power and vengeance.   Through his cunning and deceit, Asmodeus had managed to gain a foothold among the duergar, driving them to swear oaths to the devils, and with every oath, their thirst for tyranny grew ever stronger. And so it was that the Lord of the Nine Hells extended his influence even into the very hearts of those who had once been sworn enemies.   Such is the power of Asmodeus, that even the gods themselves could not escape his wiles. And those who fell under his sway would know only the darkest of fates, their souls forever doomed to damnation in the Nine Hells.


Listen well, my friend, for I shall speak of a figure that has long been shrouded in mystery, surrounded by rumors of a dark nature that he himself refuses to admit. I speak of Asmodeus, the oldest of the archdevils that rule the Nine Hells, but some say he may be outdated by the long forgotten Lucifer or even the enigmatic Satan. Legends say that Asmodeus was once a deity of the goodly realms, perhaps even of greater status, but was exiled from Celestia or Elysium. Some say he is fundamental to the very fabric of reality itself, his existence pulling the multiverse into its modern form. Such rumors suggest a connection to the Ancient Brethren, beings so old that they were born before the current configuration of the planes.   The histories of the Abyss offer another perspective. The demonic tanar'ri claim that they themselves are the ultimate source of devilkind, with the baatezu being corrupted versions of themselves. However, some believe that Asmodeus and the baatezu were born from the lawfulness purged from the General of Gehenna's people and infused into them. Others claim that the baernaloths, yugoloths said to be born before the current configuration of the planes, were responsible for the creation of ancient fiendish races and appointed the Lords of the Nine, or that the nature of the multiverse necessitated their existence.   But what of Asmodeus's true form? It is said that not even other devils living in Nessus are certain of the story that the Serpent's Coil, where his true form is said to reside, was formed by the spiraling body of a plummeted Asmodeus. Those who shared knowledge of its existence did not live for more than a day, and it is only recorded in ancient and difficult to reach libraries. As for how the existence of this form would impact his origin stories, it is believed that Asmodeus was physically warped by the punishments of the realm of the damned, or perhaps cursed by his former superior.   Asmodeus remains a figure of great mystery, surrounded by dark rumors and conflicting histories. But one thing is certain - his power and influence over the Nine Hells is unmatched, and his true nature may never be fully known.

Reign of Asmodeus

Verily, with his descent complete and his rule over the Nine Hells established, Asmodeus set his sights upon achieving ultimate power and dominion over all of reality. His machinations were many and varied, some proven and others merely whispered, as he worked tirelessly towards his goal. From the very moment he set foot upon the infernal plane, Asmodeus wielded his formidable power and influence to shape the world to his liking. He was the architect of the Infernal language, which he spoke with such ease that it seemed to flow from his very being. His blood gave rise to the earliest devils, although the baatezu themselves believed them to be born from the plane itself.   Asmodeus also established the infernal bureaucracy, dividing the Nine Hells into smaller domains and granting them to his most loyal servants. Among these was his concubine, Bensozia, whom he either sired Glasya with or adopted as his own daughter. Through his tireless efforts, Asmodeus transformed the Nine Hells into a realm unlike any other, a place of darkness and torment where only the strong could survive.   Yet even as Asmodeus remained the undisputed master of the infernal plane, his power was not without challengers. The first of these was Levistus, who sought to seize the throne for himself. Despite his best efforts, Levistus was ultimately cast down and replaced by Geryon as Lord of the Fifth. The two would engage in a constant struggle for control over Stygia, until Levistus committed a heinous crime against Asmodeus that sealed his fate.   The official story was that Levistus had slain Bensozia in a fit of jealousy, but rumors suggested a darker truth. Some whispered that Bensozia and Levistus had conspired together against Asmodeus, and that Glasya had been the one to strike the fatal blow. Whatever the truth, Levistus was sent to his icy prison, and Geryon emerged as the undisputed ruler of Stygia.   Other challengers would emerge in time, such as the fallen archon Triel, whose corruption was said to have been engineered by Asmodeus himself. Through his cunning and political prowess, Triel would come to rule over Maladomini and later Malbolge, where he witnessed the downfall of his rival, Lucifer.   Throughout it all, Asmodeus remained the master of the Nine Hells, a force to be reckoned with and feared above all others. His plans and schemes continued to unfold, as he worked tirelessly towards his ultimate goal of achieving absolute power and authority over all of creation.

Outside Hell

Ahem, let me regale you with a tale of Asmodeus, the cunning lord of the Nine Hells. Beyond his dominion, he maintained secret projects that few knew of, even among his fellow fiends. Some say that during the Dawn War, many gods saw him as a valuable ally and secretly made pacts with him, while others cursed him as a traitor and shunned him for decades. Nevertheless, Asmodeus made his way to power by forging an alliance with the gods, granting him the power of He Who Was "until the primordials were vanquished." But Asmodeus was not content with mere power. He had the foresight to create pacts that seemed innocuous on their own but together allowed him to harvest souls without fear of diminishing returns, making his realm a torturous extractor of magical energy. Even with access to his god's power, Asmodeus had not truly become a god himself and remained a prisoner of the Nine Hells, despite being its king.   It was widely believed that Asmodeus was responsible for the creation of the yugoloths, a new race of fiends commissioned from a coven of Gehennan night hags. But their petty squabbles resulted in the loss of the four Books of Keeping, which allowed the yugoloths to become independent mercenaries.   Asmodeus also had to deal with the horn of Zargon, an elder evil he had abandoned. Zargon emerged in the city of Cynidicea, terrorizing and eventually becoming its tyrant, appeased through live sacrifices. But when a barbarian nation from which the sacrifices were obtained rose up against him, Zargon killed their champion and even several of their gods. Asmodeus, immune to his divinity-cancelling effects as an elder evil, defeated Zargon and buried him along with his Cynidicean worshipers. But Asmodeus did not do it for the gods, only out of concern for Zargon's escape. Religious groups suppressed this version of events, unwilling to spread a tale where the gods were powerless and Asmodeus saved the day.

The Blood War

Ah, yes, Graz'zt, the cunning archdevil turned demon lord. A story as old as time, or so it seems. Charged with the task of fighting the Blood War and invading the Abyss, he conquered three Abyssal layers with ease. But, as with all things in the Abyss, his path was not without resistance. Demogorgon and Orcus stood in his way, and Graz'zt found he could go no further. Did he give up? Did he accept defeat? Of course not. Graz'zt is nothing if not resourceful. He broke away from his former master, Asmodeus, and became a demon lord in his own right. But the question remained: had he truly severed all ties with Asmodeus, or was this just a temporary arrangement?   And then there was Malkizid, once a solar under the employ of Corellon, but exiled for siding with Lolth. Banished to Baator, he gained power and influence, but eventually he angered Asmodeus and was cast out once again.   And what of Zariel, who started as a mere observer of the Blood War under celestial orders, but soon ran off to fight in it herself? Her beaten body was found by Asmodeus's minions, and she was nursed back to health and installed as the archdevil of Avernus.   But the most intriguing tale of all is the Trial of Asmodeus, a play based on real events, or so they say. Angels, disgusted by Asmodeus's temptations of mortals and harvesting of souls, condemned him. Asmodeus argued that he had always acted within infernal tradition, in service to the cause of law and the continued existence of the multiverse.   The angels presented their cases, but it was a long and tedious affair. Even Primus of the modrons grew impatient and declared that he would only listen to a limited number of angels. This led to a brawl, started by Zariel, who was still an angel at the time. The fight ended with no verdict from Primus, but two matters were decided: Asmodeus was given the right to sway mortals to evil and harvest their souls, and he must always carry his Ruby Rod of Asmodeus as a symbol of the devils' right and a punishment device against those who did not uphold their end of a bargain.   Such is the way of the infernal realm, where alliances are fickle and power is constantly in flux. Who knows what other tales of treachery and intrigue lie hidden in the depths of Baator?

The Reckoning of Hell

Ah, my dear friend, you seek the tale of the Reckoning, a most fascinating event in the history of the Nine Hells. It was a time when the archdevils, those lords of the infernal realm, dared to rebel against their ruler, Asmodeus himself. At the heart of the conflict was Baalzebul, a devil of great ambition who sought to undermine the authority of his master. He slandered Asmodeus, seeking to tarnish his reputation as a competent leader and circumvent the infernal bureaucracy. Even in the face of an abyssal invasion, Baalzebul withheld his armies, putting his own interests above those of Baator itself.   As tensions boiled over, two factions emerged: one led by Baalzebul with the likes of Belial, Moloch, and Zariel under him, and the other by Mephistopheles with Dispater, Geryon, and Mammon in his ranks. A clash was inevitable, and it came to pass in the infernal realm of Maladomini.   But as the armies clashed, Asmodeus had already made his move. He had secured the loyalty of Geryon and infiltrated the eight armies up to the highest level. When the time was right, Geryon gave the signal, and the pit fiend commanders turned on their archdevils. Their armies were destroyed, and Asmodeus emerged unscathed.   The aftermath of the Reckoning was just as intriguing. Asmodeus instituted the Dark Eight, promoting the pit fiends loyal to him. The archdevils were allowed to keep their realms, but changes were made. Geryon, despite his loyalty, was deposed, and Levistus was restored as archdevil of Stygia. Moloch was deposed and replaced by Malagarde, who had convinced him to join the fray. Baalzebul was allowed to keep his position, but his body was transformed into a giant slug.   Why Asmodeus deposed Geryon remains a mystery to this day. Some speculate it was to spur increased loyalty, others that it was a reward in disguise, and still others that it was a display of Asmodeus's hunger for faithless souls. Whatever the reason, the Reckoning served to remind all the archdevils of their place and solidify Asmodeus's position as their superior.

Actions on Toril

Ah, my dear fellow adventurers, have you heard of the infamous Toril Thirteen? No? Well, allow me to enlighten you. It was in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR, when these warlock coven members attempted a ritual that would forever change the lineage of many tieflings. They cursed the bloodlines of demons, devils, hags, and rakshasas, among others, with the very blood of Asmodeus himself. Can you imagine such a heinous act? The Toril Thirteen believed that by making Asmodeus a "racial god," they would amass enough followers to gain godly powers. Such ambition and disregard for the consequences are truly troubling.   Unfortunately, their plan succeeded, and countless tieflings were forever changed by this curse. Their original lineage was replaced with that of the archdevil himself. The implications of such a transformation are both significant and ominous.   It is crucial to remember that actions on Toril have consequences far beyond its borders. Who knows what other dark plots are brewing in the hearts of power-hungry individuals? As adventurers, it is our duty to remain vigilant and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Only then can we hope to prevent further atrocities such as the curse of the Toril Thirteen.

After the Reckoning in Hell

My dear readers, it is with great pleasure that I regale you with yet another tale of the tumultuous happenings in the Nine Hells. As you all know, the Reckoning was a time of great upheaval, but even after that, the archdevils continued to experience their fair share of trials and tribulations. One such upheaval occurred when Bel gained the trust of Zariel and used it to depose her, becoming an archdevil himself. Asmodeus approved this under the condition that Bel would concentrate on the Blood War with the Dark Eight. Bel, being a dutiful servant of Asmodeus, agreed to this and so much of his time was consumed by the Blood War that he didn't have sufficient time to plot against his superiors.   Another incident took place when Malagarde suddenly bloated and died around 1372 DR. Malbolge was reformed, and Glasya became an archdevil. Asmodeus managed to keep his unruly daughter in check by scolding her and instilling in her the importance of taking on responsibility to retain her privileges. He even gave her Geryon's powers as an archdevil to make her strong enough to fill the position, making it clear that Malagarde had just been a placeholder for his daughter. To provide her with a good staff, he allowed her to recruit competent devils even at the detriment of her fellow archdevils, a privilege that Glasya made full use of, much to the chagrin of her peers.   However, Glasya was not content with just her official duties. She also ran a criminal organization that created false money, using lead that was temporarily turned into gold before minting it into coins and using them before they turned back. She escaped punishment through a legal loophole that stated that no law regulated the state of coins after leaving the mint, only the composition of the raw material out of which the coins were minted. Asmodeus elevated Glasya to tie her to one layer with a lot of responsibility, preventing her ambitions from going too far.   When Dweomerheart collapsed in the wake of the Spellplague of 1385 DR, Azuth fell into the Hells where Asmodeus, sensing his opportunity, devoured the lesser deity and became a god himself. He then ended the Blood War by forcing the Abyss underneath the Elemental Chaos. However, he knew the war could restart at any time and with a united demonic front, if he did anything like invading the Abyss. Therefore, he organized his strength so that when the war restarted it would do so under circumstances favorable to him.   It turned out that Asmodeus had had some divine influence on Toril that had waned, but his ascension restored it and his cult was on the rise in the 15th century DR. It began to be practiced overtly when Asmodeus's worshipers presented their god as someone from whom absolution from all kinds of sins could be gained, as mortals had thought of the Blue Fire of the Spellplague as some form of divine punishment.   Although many believed Asmodeus killed Azuth when he consumed his divine essence, in fact Asmodeus had fused with Azuth, and both gods coexisted in the same body. Most of the time, Asmodeus overpowered Azuth, using his divine powers while the God of Wizards was in a dormant state. But on a rare few occasions, Azuth was able to gain control of their shared body, and because of his strange behavior many denizens of the Nine Hells believed Asmodeus had grown mad.   After the Spellplague, Asmodeus re-instituted Belial as an archdevil, which presumably meant that he had demoted Fierna from  

Post-Second Sundering

  Greetings, esteemed reader! I have a fascinating tale to tell, full of divine strife and devilish machinations. It all began in the year 1486 DR, when the deity Azuth had finally regained much of his former strength. Feeling empowered, he chose Ilstan Nyaril as his Chosen, much to the surprise of many. But trouble was brewing in the Nine Hells, as Azuth's newfound strength ignited a struggle for control of his shared body with the devil Asmodeus. This conflict put the entire hierarchy of the Nine Hells at risk of crumbling, which prompted Ilstan and Farideh, one of the Chosen of Asmodeus, to hatch a plan to separate the two gods and avert a potential devil invasion of the multiverse.   Their scheme involved contacting the god Enlil through his Chosen, Kepeshkmolik Dumuzi. Asmodeus ultimately agreed to release Azuth from his body and resurrect the Untherite god Nanna-Sin as a non-god immortal. In exchange, Enlil allowed Asmodeus to consume Nanna-Sin's divine spark and become a god unto himself.   This deal was sealed in a ritual that took place in Djerad Thymar amid the First Tymanther-Unther War, on Hammer 10 of 1487 DR. Tragically, Ilstan sacrificed his life to allow Azuth to become an individual god once more. It was a somber moment, to be sure.   But the story doesn't end there, my friends. In the wake of the Second Sundering, Asmodeus made some interesting changes to the hierarchy of the Nine Hells. He demoted Bel and re-elevated Zariel to the position of archdevil of Avernus. And in a unique move, he also restored Fierna to the position of archdevil, making her and Belial equals in a system that previously mandated only one person per layer-ruling post.   Such are the twists and turns of divine and infernal politics. It's a wonder any of us mortals can keep up!

The Chosen of Asmodeus

  Ah, my friends, allow me to regale you with tales of the Chosen of Asmodeus! These powerful beings are granted the favor of the Lord of the Nine Hells himself, and their loyalty to him is beyond question.
  • Farideh, a tiefling of remarkable power. She was born with an infernal bloodline, and her very soul was tied to Asmodeus from birth. Farideh has honed her abilities over the years, and she is now one of the most formidable warlocks in all the land. She is fierce, cunning, and utterly devoted to her patron.
  • Havilar, another tiefling who was chosen by Asmodeus. Unlike Farideh, Havilar was not born with infernal blood, but rather she made a pact with Asmodeus later in life. She and her twin sister, Farideh, are incredibly close, and their bond has only grown stronger since they both became Chosen of Asmodeus. Havilar is a fierce fighter and is not afraid to get her hands dirty in battle.
  • Bryseis Kakistos, a tiefling sorceress of exceptional talent. She is one of the most powerful magic users among the Chosen of Asmodeus, and she wields her arcane abilities with deadly precision. She is also known for her cunning and her ability to manipulate those around her to achieve her goals.
  • Valraun, a blue dragon who has pledged his loyalty to Asmodeus. He is one of the most fearsome creatures in all the land, with scales as hard as steel and teeth as sharp as knives. Valraun is utterly devoted to Asmodeus and will stop at nothing to see his will done.
These four Chosen of Asmodeus are among the most powerful beings in all the land. They have pledged their loyalty to the Lord of the Nine Hells, and they will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Their power is unmatched, and their devotion to their patron is unwavering. Be careful, my friends, for crossing these Chosen is a dangerous game indeed.


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