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The Shadow of Minora (Min-or-ah)

"In the tight cramped tunnels beneath Ashoya I snuck, I sought the source of horrid rumours. Whispered in shadow tales of terror fill the lower city, bodies found in terrible display. Even worse we fear they may have been sacrifices."   The New Church of Minora rose from the rubble of the lower city founded on an individuals understanding of the rune scrolls left behind by the Sky Walkers that once ruled this city. Further reinforced that their way was right when blessings began to fall upon them at only the small cost of blood.


"I found a body in pieces... They took the eyes, fingers and teeth, I send this Message back to my father, I will continue search."   Devotees of Minora fall under 3 titles Skald, Agent and Hand. Skalds are the interepretors of the runes and blessings left by Minora. Agents are the general members of the Church who learn to hide all the signs of their faith. The Hand is the head of the Church who acts from the shadows but carries the will of Minora in their actions.

Minora's Ritual

"Father they have found me. The lower city must burn. They have spread to far. Know them by their signs. Eyes everywhere so many teeth..."   In the tight dark tunnels and warrens beneath Ashora, Minora granted her chosen gifts that would grant you Limbs filled with strength, Eyes that could spot any shadow, Teeth that could shred any scale. But these were just the beginning.   These gifts and blessings did not come free they gathered together the flesh in tight bundles of cloth, teeth and bone placed into boxes and organs organized into jars. The bundles of cloth are placed in the center of the altar laid out like a blanket, the jars placed upon the corners and the boxes in the center. Then the living sacrifices are brought out bound and gagged led till they stand before the altar. There they are granted the 'sight' and get to look upon Minoras glory, there they are chosen or there they die.    "I've seen it Father, truth. Its more beautiful than you can imagine. Worry not I will show the world our truth."


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