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Ashlu of the Tempo

Ashlu of the Tempo, First Masquer, the All in One   The leader of the eternal dance known as the Mortal Masque is obsessed with perfection of action, but unable to settle on a single pattern of performance. Their demands change constantly, always calling for ever shifting choreography, with never a step out of place. Nothing in her realm is ever static, her servants moving in an elaborate series of interconnecting reels. What they consider a dance is a broad church, however, and their servants are a combination of entertainer and killer.   Ashlu's physical appearance changes on a whim. They are usually, but not always, humanoid, but the only constant feature is a mask, which hides whatever face they would otherwise be presenting to the world. The mask is a curved dish of pure white porcelain, with small, round holes for the eyes and mouth. Their movement is a dance, and their words a song.


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