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Grim Plain

On the far side of Aiaos from the Primal Wild lies the bleak expanse of the Grim Plan. Sometimes called the Negative Plane or the Realm of Death, this plane was designed as the 'drain' through which spent energy, Necrosis and corruption could be removed from the World to The Abyss.   The Plain is a pale echo of the world. The landscape is recognisable, most terrain features recognisable, but worn and broken, with cracked and crumbling edges and deep, sharp shadows. Mortal-built structures may appear, but as ruins, corroded by time. Plant life grows rampant, but dry and brittle, and fell beasts and phantoms stalk the grey landscape.   Those that call the Plain home are driven mostly by hunger, exposure to necrosis instilling a powerful, insatiable appetite. The thing that they crave is vitality, the unique energy of life, and so they are drawn to and through gates into the material plane, as well as to intruders from that plane.   Like the Wilds, the Plain is a convoluted dimension. The fractal expanses of the Grim Plain are called 'Shadowfolds', and tend to collect powerful concentrations of necrosis, making them extremely dangerous. A rare do somehow keep the necrotic influences out, remaining pure, albeit still terrible.   The deepest folds may pierce the barriers between worlds, opening via gates into Aiaos, or the Abyss. It is rumoured that some lead through deeper Mists to a place of incalculable dread and fathomless regret.
Dimensional plane


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