High Eeries Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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High Eeries

The Eeries are a collective of citadels built on mountain platforms above the snowline in the Wall of the World. Despite the hostile environment, thriving populations live in these cities, shielded in layers of magic against attack and the elements. The majority of the inhabitants of the Eeries are Aarakocra, and in fact they are the largest concentration of aarakocra in the world.   All but unassailable on foot, and defended by airships and gliders, as well as Aarakocra air troops, the Eeries are in many ways the arm and might of the Beast Kingdoms alliance, providing air support and transportation to the other domains in return for the sanctity of their territory.   The merchant fleets of the Eeries also act as ambassadors, and provide a link between the Eeries and other aarakocra populations across the dome. In this way, the Eeries both support their kin, and maintain control over their culture by projecting power and protection.
Political, Federation


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