Legion Reckoning in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Legion Reckoning

The Orcs measure the years since the downfall of the Dark Lords, beginning in early spring. The years are numbered 'AU' (after the Uprising.) They still use a variation on the old Legion Reckoning, which divided the year into thirteen lunar months, losing three days from each year, compared to the solar year. Each time the cycle strayed far enough, the orcs of the Legions would simply reset the first full moon of spring to be the 'Day of Banners,' their new year.   The months of the Legion Reckoning are still 28 days long, although not linked directly to the lunar cycle. They are named for the half-remembered titles of the Dark Lords, in honour not of those gods, but of the Legions who once served and then overthrew them. Each months includes a festival day, and there are three additional days not part of any month.
  • The Month of Banners - 1 Banners, Stormrise (New Year's Day)
  • The Month of Shields - 9 Shields, Day of Blooms
  • The Month of Spears - 8 Spears, Green (Vernal Halfsky)
  • The Month of Wargs - 19 Wargs, Running
  • First Howling, 1st intercalary
  • The Month of Bats - 2 Bats, Wilding
  • The Month of Boars - 16 Boars, Skyfire (Summer Solstice)
  • The Month of Hordes - 9 Hordes, Raging
  • The Month of Fires - 11 Fires, Peace
  • The Month of Marches - 24 Marches, Harvest Moon (Autumnal Halfsky)
  • First Brewing, 2nd intercalary
  • The Month of Thralls - 12 Thralls, Last Hunt
  • The Month of Blades - 15 Blades, Frostfall
  • The Month of Graves - 18 Graves, Rivercrack
  • The Month of Boots - 3 Boots, Deep Night (Winter Solstice)
  • First Thaw, 3rd intercalary
  • Fifthnight, five yearly leap day


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