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Rahgn the Demon Jackal

Rahgn the Demon Jackal, Father of Gnolls, Beast of Butchery and the Laughing Lord   The demon jackal is a scavanger, who rose to power by stealing from the edges of others domains, and then striking at their weaknesses to utterly consume them. After he seized control of Shuhkthi, he tried and failed to ascend to godhood by deceiving the Laughing Mother and turning her own creatures against her. He failed to overthrow her, but retained control of a large proportion of the Gnoll species, and conceived of terrible rites which allowed his demon priests to transform other humanoids into gnolls, or gnolls into other, more terrible forms.   Rahgn is a maker of empires, always striving to create a perfect dominion of rage and hunger, but in the end all he knows is scavenging and fighting. All of his efforts are ramshackle assemblages of mismatched parts, which ultimately end in fury and bloodshed and chaos.   The gnolls are made in Rahgn's image, or perhaps his form was remade in theirs. Either way, the demon jackal resembles his principal servants, a hulking, humanoid standing eight feet tall on sturdy, digitigrade legs, with a rounded, stooped back, his long-muzzled head sitting well below the level of his shoulders. He wears armour scavengers from many different sources, of many types and materials, and carries a wickedly spiked, three headed flail that he calls the Butcher. He is invariably accompanied by dozens of gnolls, hyaena and jackals, as well as demonic servants such as maw demons and leucrotta.


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