Republic Calendar in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Republic Calendar

The Sacred Republic’s calendar is based on the Old Count, but counts its years from the formation of the Union and the start of the War of Hubris . Having been created less than two centuries ago, the Republic Calendar does not use a sidereal round.   It divides the year into four seasons, with lunar months used solely for short term reckonings. Every five years, an additional intercalary is added to the very end of the year. This day is called Judgement, and is of particular importance in the ritual life of the Church of the Eightfold Way.   Reckoning (New Year’s Day)
1-6 Early Spring
7 Early Spring (Vernal Halfsky)
8-53 Early Spring

1-45 Summer
Midsummer’s Day
46-91 Summer
Harvest Eve

1-45 Autumn
Harvest Fair
(Autumnal Halfsky)
46-91 Autumn
Harvest Tide

1-45 Winter
Midwinter’s Day
46-91 Winter
1-38 Late Spring

(Old Year’s Day)


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