Stoiga Organization in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Sitting close against the border with Altea, Stoiga has a military tradition second to none in Argea. Once home to a near-legendary warrior-aristocracy under the rule of the Strategos, it now boasts a large, professional army, who serve for generous pay and the promise of a share in the vast acres of farmland owned by the military.   The Estates of Stoiga, who are the relicts of the city-state’s fabled warrior caste, look askance at the army, and the path it provides to social advancement for the poor and the outcast. As a result, the army and its veterans tend to align themselves with the Guilds. It is common for veterans from the same unit to pool their grants of land to form a voting collective, large enough to command an elector's position.
Geopolitical, City-state


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