Titanic Technology Technology / Science in Aiaos | World Anvil
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Titanic Technology

Sky Cities

The Sky Cities of Titanis are considered the acme of Titanic achevement. Built of imperishable bricks around foundations of bouyant stone, the last mansions of the sky cities still drift through the clouds of Aiaos, although most have long since fallen to the ground.  


The magic of the Titans was not like modern arcanism, instead using symbols of power - dubbed 'runes' by the mortal races - to bind magic to the material in order to strength and enforce harmony. The Giants retains some knowledge of runes, and a few among the mortal races have unravelled a few fragments of their mysteries.  


In the Colossus War, great cannons launched rune-encrusted cannon balls from the ramparts of the sky cities against nautiloids and Colossi alike. Recreating the powder used to propel these missiles has long been a goal of mortal alchemy, and the gunpowder increasingly used by modern warriors and soldiers is based on a variety of formulae produced in pursuit of this goal.


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