
1st of Sun's Swell, AE 721  

Queen of Thorns

Virag was the former and most recent nature deity. Hunted down and killed along with the rest of the Lizdah deities, she was said to be one of the final surviving members of the pantheon, not by virtue of diplomacy or strength but by stealth. In her own domain, she was nearly untraceable, but only nearly. Dinya and Katsya were only ten but she was their first blood that transformed them into sharks.   Along with Urasen, Virag is one of the Lizdah deities about which only vague bits of information are known. It is well established that she was a nature deity, associated with wild, untamed places, but most other sources seem to only emphasize the secretive tendencies of the mystery cults dedicated to her.

Divine Domains

Nature, weather

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A thorny yellow rose
Divine Classification
Date of Death
LE 2893
Dark brown
Virag Archway

Cover image: Green Plant by Sneha Cecil


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