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Miss Judy's

This article is a WIP and will be re-written more thoroughly when I begin writing the series it has been created as a part of.
Content Warning: This article makes references to sexual themes and uses outdated language common at the time.
"Judy" created her establishment to be a safe place for those in New York City with nowhere else to go. Her focus was mostly on helping those with nowhere to turn but sex work to make the money they needed to get by. She gives them a place to live in one of her many rooms, and a place to work at her bar downstairs. Some work in the establishment as dancers, some as prostitutes, and some as bartenders or protection for the "girls." Many of those working and living at Judy's are young women and girls, boys, and young men. All leave at some point, once they turn their situation around through the money they make at Judy's, but all are always welcome to return if they ever need to. Patrons like that Judy's is a discreet establishment and never asking for legal names of customers or employees. Many past employees, especially those who learned to accept themselves and their gender or sexuality while working for Judy, credit her with saving their lives by taking them off the streets. Judy will never acknowledge this.


Everyone who lives and works at Miss Judy's looks out for each other and treats each other with kindness and compassion.

Public Agenda

Judy never wants to see anyone suffer, especially not for who they are or who they want to be with.


Judy started her establishment to help others who were in the same situation she was in once. She was poor, shunned by her family for putting on her sister's clothes too many times while being raised as a boy, and getting caught touching herself while watching men repair the road outside the family's New York City home - while wearing her sister's dress.

If you need help just see Miss Judy

Founding Date
Activist, Charity


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