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Roland Tavis

Roland Tavis will eventually appear in the WIP series I am building, but not until a later book. This article is therefore still a WIP and will remain so until I begin writing about Roland.
Roland Tavis is the author of several dime novels about adventure in the west. Most of these stories were inspired by others he had read, or by serials in newspapers that were also about the same theme. His novels sold quickly, enabling him to make a living off his writing. Despite his success, he has never lived in any part of the west, nor has he had any experience visiting the area. His fiction is simply created by consuming the fiction others have written. For this reason, and to silence critics from the west who wrote terrible reviews of his work, he decided to visit Colorado for a time. After hearing about Aikenville, which has earned the reputation of being "the queerest town in America," Roland decides to visit it. He is surprised by what he finds, and it ashamed to realize he really had been writing inaccurate books. After getting to know the people of Aikenville, and falling in love, as well, he decides to stay and to write from there. His editors in New York aren't terribly happy about this turn of events, but accept it. Roland continues to write, but now he mixes reality with fiction. Not enough to ruin a good story, but enough to keep critics from being too upset.

Mental characteristics


Roland is an author of dime novels about adventure in the west.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Roland is proud to be able to make a living off his writing, a dream he never expected to be able to realize.
Pale blue
Medium length, dark blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light, tans quickly in the sun
5ft 7in


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