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The Gentle Vales, a landmass of importance in the Tribound Empire. Currently a symbiotic relationship between the three habitant races: Elf, Dwarf and Man. The three capitols living in supposed harmony after the eruption of Mount Byuit'tum causing a regional catastrophe in the previous era. This landscape now scorched and burnt, known as The Krag.   To the West we have the IV Civilization of Man, split into two factions: Western and Eastern. King Leonard decrees and masters what goes on within both of these factions within the kingdom. Being born of royal blood within the Eastern Civ IV the West are looked down upon by the East due to die hard nationalist ideologies and hatred of the Under-common tongue.   To the South we have the Dominion Of Light, Elven territory which stretches across the Gentle Vales far into the East. The DoL is an incredibly regal and magic based domain, usually keeping to themselves as their holy Queen is of higher blood, said to have been birthed by the Gods to bring peace amongst Man. To the South East the DoL stretches toward the Desecrated Hills, a baron and harsh landscape with nothing but sandy dunes and climbing temperatures inhabited by deadly predators and fabled mythical beasts.   To the far East we have the Dwarven capitol of Bherdoral within the Girnthiod mountain range. A separated part of this era's civilization due to the The Krag's impact on the Dwarven State. Ruled by a Dwarf known for his impeccable war tactics and political awareness it would seem that his arrogance has left him and his peoples almost solitary hidden behind the mountains with little help from the Elven Queen and King Leonard.   Beyond the Desecrated Hills we have the Wasters leading to The Front. The Wasters being salt planes of enormous size holding history of unfathomable battles in previous eras. The Wasted Killing Fields, Ruins of Minbor and The Extinguished Keep being an ancient memory of when the Chaos Gods sent their 4 Sons down to The Realm of Man to end civilization as it once was.   The Front is where all available forces are sent from each State of The Gentle Vales to combat the Dark Elven Army. A bloodbath of might and honor where the Drow advances are consistently being met by battle after battle against Stout Folk, Eladrin and Man.

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The Gentle Vales

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

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