Calyria Norwood Character in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Calyria Norwood

Calyria Norwood

Calyria grew up as an orphan, making a living by stealing from the shopkeepers of her home town in Velis. As she got older and more capable, she started trying to care for the younger children who were also living on the street for one reason or another. But eventually she decided she wanted more out of her life, and ended up joining a large band of explorers who were looking for a few assistants (i.e. 'npc hirelings' only they weren't the pcs :P *foreshadowing*) on their mission to check out some rumors of strange activity in some nearby caves.   To put a long story short, they ventured deep into the caves and found plenty of "strange activity", which turned out to involve a bunch of the explorers getting injured or killed, and they were all freaking out and decided they had to get outta there ASAP. But escaping was easier said than done, and on their way they lost several more members, including a couple who sacrificed themselves so the others could get out, and a couple who were *sacrificed* so the others could get out. Those in the latter category came from the handful of newly hired recruits, and included Calyria.   The surviving explorers reported her as dead when they finally made it back to town. But then a couple days later, and to everyone's surprise, she showed up back in town too. She never gave much explanation as to what had happened, but those who knew her even a little could tell something about her was different. She stayed in town for a while after that, but with everyone now acting weirdly around her, she soon decided it was time to go.   Eventually, after a handful of other events, she met up with the other members of the group that would become the Ancient Adventurers. All of them had their own unusual histories, which they shared gradually, in bits and pieces, as they got to know each other better. But the details of what exactly happened in the cave remained mystery to even the other Ancient Adventurers; Calyria was always extremely reluctant to talk about it. All that was known for certain is that she ended up becoming a warlock for some unusual entity from some other plane of existence.   By the time the Ancient Adventurers had reached the height of their power, those who met Calyria often remarked that she had some kind of ethereal or otherworldly aura about her. People who'd known her longer sometimes said it seemed almost as though she was slowly drifting away from their material existence. After Kima's defeat, all the Ancient Adventurers went off in their own separate ways, presumably to various other planes... but certain rumors wonder if Calyria might've gone farther than the rest.

One of the ancient adventurers. Calyria is a warlock whose patron's exact identity and nature has remained a mystery to all but her, even in the case of her former party members. Nonetheless, she has proven herself to be a kind-hearted and caring individual, and has helped her adventuring companions work out their differences on more than one occasion.

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Divine Classification
minor deity
Current Status
light brown
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