Kingdom of Dromakor Organization in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Dromakor

Currently ruled by Queen Briatha. Mostly populated by Dwarves. Their main trade is in mined goods and the various tools/weapons/armor made from them. Dromakor is the only place that produces high-quality mithril, which is generally known for being difficult to work with for the untrained. Dromakor's artisans are highly respected for their metalworking skills, and dwarven-made equipment is generally seen as the best in the world in regards to sheer quality.   They have a good trade relationship with Velis, but otherwise are on chilly terms with them thanks to Velis's Empress Raelle seeming kinda shady and sus in their eyes. Velis is their primary customer, so regardless of their opinions of Velis itself, it's clearly in Dromakor's best interest to keep trade open. However, they do also regularly trade with Astotha. They’re on decent terms with Dorwine, but less so with Chonia.   They really don’t get on well with Elaedia and their small shared border is nearly always in conflict & disputed. People from all countries sometimes wonder if the elves & dwarves are really fighting over the territory around this one small border, or if they’re actually just fighting each other because they like it. It’s certainly true that the casualty rate from this conflict is much lower than one might expect given the frequency of attacks going one way or the other.   The castle/fortress in the underground city of Girath is decorated inside & out with some of the massive amounts of gold they’ve acquired over the years. They’re easily the richest kingdom, and could be the most powerful if they'd spend more of their wealth rather than hoard it, but they’re perfectly happy knowing they could be the most powerful if they wanted and in the meantime enjoying their large stashes of gold.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species


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