Principality of Chonia Organization in Ailia (placeholder name) | World Anvil
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Principality of Chonia

Mixed population, mostly 'medium' size humanoids. Primarily plains biome. More nomadic/tribal culture than the others, lots of druids & rangers. They are the most religious of the kingdoms (often nature-deities). They might not have a huge amount of political influence but their people are generally happy.
  On very good terms with Dorwine. Mostly good terms with Elaedia, their one issue is having to cross the Elaedia/Dromakor war zone to get to visit their friends in Dorwine. Chilly relations with Astotha and Dromakor since they’re not huge fans of all the technology stuff that goes on there. Had been on decent terms with Velis until the recent failed arranged marriage that was supposed to help unite the two kingdoms; that whole plan backfired rather severely. Prince Atian is quite egotistical and thought that Velis’s then-future Empress Raelle wasn’t attractive enough for him. She (understandably) hates his guts, and now that she has ascended to the throne of Velis the two kingdoms have been on highly hostile terms, just short of outright conflict.


The civilians are not highly interested in polictics in general as long as their personal lives are not interfered with/negatively affected. This has allowed the past several generations of Chonia's rulers to engage in some less-than-savory business tactics, and they have made a large fortune for themselves by taking payments from smugglers/criminals/etc who are wanting a safe place to hide/store goods/travel through/trade. Tymon Evenwood, the current ruler, has been an exception to this rule and had attempted to turn Chonia into a respectable player on the world stage, but his efforts were thwarted by his son Atian, who is more than happy to continue the corrupt practices of the past. Atian is now infamous for rejecting an arranged marriage with Raelle de Vienne, which was supposed to help improve relations with Velis, but ultimately backfired in one of the most dramatic ways possible.

  Several years after that fiasco, Tymon suddenly fell ill; the cause in still unclear, as far as anyone knows it could've been just bad luck, or foul play, or even dark magic. Regardless, this has allowed Atian to become the ruler of Chonia in all but title. He has summarily ruined all of his father's hard work to restore the reputation of Chonia, but has drawn the wrong kind of attention from powerful neighbors Velis and Dromakor. Especially Velis. If Atian continues his current path that will likely lead Chonia to ruin, the other kingdoms could be prompted to intervene, which would be a huge change for the people of Chonia's relatively stable & peaceful lifestyle.
Geopolitical, Principality
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Notable Members

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