Akmei's Spellbook

Imagination and skill have gotten me through many tough spots. Anvils and luck took care of the rest. - Mortimer Akmei
Having the appearance of a simple, traveler's journal, Akmei's spellbook is the key to unlocking the chaotic forces from the plane of Illust and bringing them to bear within the Ailosod. Filled with spells, rituals, and detailed notes about items and physics of Illust, this unique tome is treasured by mage's and sage's alike. Anyone having the distinct honor of reading the book will gain knowledge of the Illustrati and how their magics can be used, though limited, within our own plane.


Akmei and the Illustrati

Mortimer Akmei spent years studying magic under his mentor and longtime colleague, Séarlas Johans. As an apprentice he showed significant promise and power in conjuration, evocation, and enchantments, the basics of which he mastered readily. Unlike Master Johans’ other pupils, Mortimer did not take pride in his early accomplishments and frequently complained that the spells were simply too mundane. He wanted to learn magic that was unique and challenging. This desire and his skill would take him farther than he imagined.

While he was a journeyman, Mortimer was allowed access to Séarlas’ library and laboratory to assist him with researching, a task Mortimer enjoyed immensely.

One evening, Master Johans charged him with preparing a relic for study. It was an ancient object rumored to have been used to travel between the planes of existence. Both Mortimer and his master were familiar with the known planes, and Séarlas was even known to traverse them when need arose; however, he did not believe Mortimer was ready for such spells yet.

While sitting between stacks of books, Akmei focused on the cylindrical object positioned before him. It was a most unusual instrument. Its handle was reminiscent of a painter’s brush but in place of bristles it had an oddly shaped metal tip akin to what one would see on a quill used for writing. The most unusual aspect of the device was the small lever in the center of it which slowly rose as arcane energies were directed into the object. This evening Mortimer was to continue imbuing the object with power until the lever no longer moved. It was a dangerous gamble—but it was also the only thing left to try.

After hours of concentration, Mortimer saw that the lever was completely perpendicular to the body and the rod began to glow. Rather than fetching his master, the journeyman decided to begin experimenting himself. Placing his hand on the lever and pressing down caused a prismatic spray to erupt from the tip of the device and coalesce into a vortex of vivid colors. Snatching the device from the table, Mortimer stepped through the portal and entered a plane with a disregard for the physical laws that govern the material plane, inhabited by strange creatures.

The young wizard spent years exploring this new realm. In time, Akmei befriended some of the inhabitants, whom he came to know as the Illustrati. In exchange for teaching them of the material plane, he learned to master some of their magic and how to use the dimensional pen that had brought him there.

Eventually, Akmei returned to the material plane—but he had changed. He had developed a mischievous streak and a love of traps. Mortimer was also infatuated with trying to twist the natural laws by drawing energies from Illust and tying them to the material plane. It is believed that it was an experiment of this kind that resulted in his disappearance and the destruction of his tower.


Akmei's Legacy

For decades, the ruins of the Illumancer stood untouched following the explosion that destroyed the upper levels. Local farmers avoided the grounds and told tales of strange lights and vividly colored creatures roaming the woods. Others spoke of trespassers being altered, maimed, and even disappearing completely. Despite the warnings, the members of Wolvesbane Adventures chose to undertake the challenge of entering the tower and learning its secrets. The group met no resistance approaching the tower on the first day of their expedition. Arriving from the south, they strode through the overgrown gardens. Among the hedges and statues, they moved cautiously to avoid attracting the attention of anything living. The closer they got to the tower, the more there was a feeling of being followed—or was it simply watched?

Soon the party was standing amid the rubble at the base of the tower which appeared to have been sheared off above the second floor. Searching within the thick growth of vines, they soon found the entryway and forced their way through into the lower level. A small foyer led into a sitting area with dust-covered furniture. Puffs of dirt rose from the floor with every footstep, showing that no one had been here before them. Taking note of the rooms—kitchen, sitting room, storage room—the adventurers picked their way to a stone staircase winding its way up the wall of the tower.

The second floor contained a bedroom and study. Aside from years of disuse, the bedroom appeared to be untouched. Even the large curtained bed was still neatly made. The study, however, looked to have been ransacked. Chairs were overturned and books were scattered about the floor in heaps where they had been pushed from shelves. It was here in Akmei’s office that they found the discarded pages from a spellbook. The yellowed parchment was lying haphazardly beside a table as if dropped while making an earnest escape. What had happened here?

Having stashed the pages and a few books, the party decided to continue to the next level to see if there was anything remaining to indicate what happened in the upper stories. Where they expected to find the stairwell open to sky, the party saw a shimmering illustration of the stairs continuing upwards. Investigating the apparent portrait revealed that it was not a painting but was in fact a continuance of the stairs that led up into a section of the tower that no longer existed.

After a brief discussion, it was decided that they would complete their search of the lower levels and take the time to review the books from Akmei’s study before venturing into whatever this magical drawing was. Perhaps they would be able to glean some clues from his notes and make a safer passage into the unknown.

Item type
Book / Document


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