Catnap Mask

Popular among dilettantes, socialites, and their staff these minor magical items allow them to remain well-rested while maintaining a schedule where they can only have short periods to sleep. Once pulled over the eyes, the mask allows the wearer to fall asleep almost immediately. For every 15 minutes of sleep using the mask, the wearer gains the benefits of 1 hour of  normal sleep.   Prolonged use of the masks, more than 3 consecutive days without normal sleep, results in the wearer becoming increasingly fatigued and plagued with insomnia as their body becomes unable to self-regulate sleep cycles.  Mask addiction can be cured provided the user does not wear the mask until all symptosms have resolved. The insomnia will resolve within 1 week of stopping mask use. The fatigue continues with minor improvements for an additional 2 weeks before the wearer is able to regin the full benefits of normal rest.
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