Herith Braid Item in Ailosod | World Anvil

Herith Braid

Brethon stuffed the last of the clothes into her pack, slinging it over her shoulder as she headed into the common room where her family waited. Her father, Yolis, stood beside her mother, one hand on her shoulder as she sat in a chair by the fire. All around the room she saw the familiar faces of siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and even neighbors. She hadn't expected such a send off.

Her father stepped forward with a serious look on his face. "You're sure you want to do this?" Brethon straightened up and gestured towards the others in the room and then grabbed her father's offered hand and smirked. "I can't let all this be for nothing, can I?" Yolis laughed and pulled his eldest daughter into a hug. "I suppose not. You do the family proud."

Brethon made her way around the room to a mixture of tears, well wishes, and jibes. When she finally turned towards the door, a willowy figure with a pale, freckled complexion and reddish blonde hair stood blocking the way. Brethon hestitated before stepping forward. It was Morgan; the person she least wanted to see at this time and wanted to remain for the most. "I know there's nothing I can say to change this and I wouldn't say it if there was. All I ask is that you return home to me soon. Take this." Morgan pressed a short braid of hair intertwined with dried flowers and scented ribbon into her hand. "May it bring you luck in your travels."

Brethon stood stunned for a moment before pulling Morgan into her arms. "I will return to you soon."


A traditional good luck charm presented to loved ones to safe guard them when travelling and sometimes used as a symbol of betrothal. The braid is made from dried flowers, ribbon, and a length of hair carefully interwoven and knotted. It is believed that the hand-woven charm is embued with the love of its weaver and this will protect and bring good fortune to the recipient for as long as they carry it.
6 in (15.24 cm)


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