Selachi Species in Ailosod | World Anvil


A race of amphibious humanoids, the selachi are medium to large biepdal creatures with shark-like heads and powerful jaws. Once plentiful, this piscine race has begun to dwindle and are only seen rarely, usually in command of a troop of other aquatic species attacking ships or coastal villages.

Brutal Rulers. While few in number compared to other races, the selachi rule over vast underwater cities populated by conquered aquatic races. Their control of the deep waters and coastal territories is held through swift judgement and vicious punishment of anyone who questions their will.

Sworn Vengeance. The number of selachi matched the populations of other humanoids until they encountered the ichtherans. Centuries of war between the races culminated in the Battle of Yurok's Deep in which triton forces destroyed the selachi's primary stronghold and much of the people. While unable to continue the war, the sharkfolk vowed to take vengeace on any ichtheran found within their dominion.
by Shawn P. Conlin
by Shawn P. Conlin
by Shawn P. Conlin


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