The Soul Shepherd

The Soul Shepherd

Before the stars blinked or the heavens swirled above, before even Wylous came into being, the Soul Shepherd stood vigil. They serve as an impartial aribiter of life; guiding souls back to the mortal plane or into the void. The Soul Shepherd is often depicted as a tall, robed figure with indistinct facial features that are often obscured by a cowl or veil.    It is commonly belived that when a soul is near death the Soul Shepherd comes to them to hear their tale. After hearing the story, the shepherd decides where the soul should go. Most theologians suggest that the decision is made based on the quality, length, and purpose of the soul's life.

Divine Domains

Life and Death


The Crook of the Soul Shepherd appears as a simple wooden staff with the head shaped into a gentle hook much like those used by mortal shepherds.
Divine Classification


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