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(Lay Leigh)   Swampy area and a huge lake   LaLee was the name of a women who owned the swamp and lake   LaLee mysteriously disappeared one day and within a week the entire village disappeared.   Wraiths? Maybe not hostile? Banshee   ____________________________________________________________________     LaLee was a Naiad who was born from the lake as a protector of the lake. years later an elven man named Naefeer carpenter/ builder found the lake and met LaLee and he became close to her, decided he wanted to live close to the lake and he thought well I could make some money because the scenery was so nice and it was secluded so he decided to bring people over and he would build homes and sell it to them.   LaLee wasn't thrilled with more people moving to the land for she feared for the lake but they all seemed nice and they respected the lake.... at first....   years went by and there were an abundance of alligators so the people there would hunt them for food, then soon realized they could use the leftover hide and make clothes or armor with the leather.   To make the leather however because it was scaley and tough they use very potent alchemical supplies to loosen up the armor and then different chemicals to re-condition it and shine it up. they could sell these at markets and with traders all over the world for tons of coin and supplies   these chemicals started running off into the lake because people were careless with their leather making   as well as the gator population was dwindling   LaLee was furious and scared all of the alligators away so the people would not use the chemicals to pollute her lake.   to combat this the villagers invited her to a feast to apologize then they found a way to kill LaLee (Poision/Acid) in her drink and keeping her from returning to the lake   after this she was so hurt by the actions of the villagers and her inability to protect the lake that she used all of her spirit energy to turn into a banshee and she killed every villager at the feast   she then vowed to keep the lake safe and never let it get harmed again.   She has grown strong enough to where anyone who gets close to the swamp she can lure in and trap and kill   she can also animate the vines and nature within the swamp       Years later the druids from Belleway heard rumors about a village who was hunting an obscene amount of gators and selling their armor all over the world.   the druids visited the swamp as gators to see the true intensions of the villagers in regards to the lives of gators but instead discovered nothing and it being run down, however LaLee trapped the druid in one of the houses. (She trapped the druid because she felt he may have a connection to the swamp)   When she trapped him in one of the houses he finds out that the village was killed.   Hanik Willow

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