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In the distant annals of Airth's history, the noble elves once reigned supreme, their ancient civilization a beacon of wisdom and harmony amidst the natural world. Guided by benevolent deities, they thrived in harmony with the land, their cities and settlements woven into the fabric of Airth's majestic landscapes.   But as the shadow of the malevolent god darkened the horizon, the very foundation of elven society trembled. In their struggle against the encroaching darkness, the elves found themselves beset by enemies on all fronts, their once-mighty civilization brought to the brink of collapse.   Amidst the chaos of war, however, new voices arose in the symphony of Airth's fate. Humans, dwarves, and other races, long relegated to the fringes of elven society, began to emerge from the shadows of obscurity. In the crucible of conflict, these fledgling civilizations found the opportunity to carve out their own destinies, their resilience and ingenuity shaping the course of history.   As the War of the Nephilim raged on, the elves, once the undisputed rulers of Airth, found their grip on power slipping. Forced to retreat into the depths of their forest strongholds, they watched as their once-glorious civilization dwindled, their numbers diminished by the relentless onslaught of the Nephilim horde.   Yet, even in the face of adversity, hope endured. With the defeat of the malevolent god and the banishment of the Nephilim, the radiant gods turned their gaze towards the world they had saved. With their divine guidance, the surviving races of Airth embarked upon a new era of rebuilding and renewal, forging alliances and laying the foundations for a brighter future.   Airth flourished in an age of ingenuity and progress, with the gods granting mortals arcane magic to protect themselves. During these years, Highlord Aurelius Dawn united the settlements in the golden plains to form the Sebexa, the celestial Imperium. In the verdant Meadows, the elves thrived with the aid of the demigod dragon Veridia. In the far north lay the great kingdom of Kilmemara, the birthplace of mankind, and a capital devoted to the worship of Komera.   In the distant east, you'll discover the continent of Klaqand, a vibrant land teeming with its own wonders. To the south, the treacherous Fajira desert poses a formidable challenge, filled with deadly creatures known to humankind.   Airth has been in a state of peace, but new events will unfold that will shape the course of history and for those that shape it.


Campaign One: Legends and monsters

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

“Destiny awaits for those that are willing to seek it”

Looking for Players
