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Children of a vampire and mortal, dhampir's are a rare half-breed race, with many not being accepted in either the societies of vampires, nor the societies of mortals. Many wander alone, forced to develop their wit and charm to get along, often masquerading as mortals to get their way. Dhampirs, unlike vampire, are technically alive, tainted by the undead nature of their parentage. Many struggle with this identity, as well as the urges that come with vampirism.   Racial Traits   Your dhampir character has certain characteristics derived from your undead ancestry.   Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Age. Dhampirs reach physical maturity at a much faster rate in comparison to humans, but they have vampiric immortality.   Alignment. Most dhampirs are neutral, but some are driven toward evil by the bitterness and suspicion their parentage thrusts upon them. A few turn toward good in defiance of their nature.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Superior Darkvision: Your darkvision has a range of 120 feet.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of your mortal heritage.   Vampiric madness: Without the frequent drinking of blood of some form, dhmapirs can go mad. If blood is not consumed at least every 5 days, the dhampir must make a wisdom saving throw. If the dhampir fails this saving throw, they suffer from short term madness until blood is consumed. This will repeat everyday blood is not consumed after those five days, stacking the effect of the madness.   Lifeblood: If blood is consumed, the dhampir will heal for 1d6 + their collective class levels.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

A dhampir's appearance almost entirely relies on their parentage. For instance, if their parents were a human vampire and mortal, they would be a human in appearance, with the exception of paler skin and irises.
Average Height
Depends on the race of their mortal parent.
Average Weight
Depends on the race of their mortal parent.
Average Length
Depends on the race of their mortal parent.

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