Lolth, the Spider Queen Character in Aither | World Anvil
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Lolth, the Spider Queen

A creature made purely by Avalore, the Goddess of Death, Lolth was created to rule the Shadowfell, a realm created specifically by the Raven Queen, and the Shadow-kai, who were elves that were deemed worthy of Avalore to serve her. Lolth, due her spider-like appendages, was nicknamed the Spider Queen, and has the upper body of a female Shadow-kai. While her master had worked tireless at her role in The Cycle, Lolth desired more. She desired the Material Plane, and so spent millennia manipulating the Drow in bringing her to said plane, only to be thwarted by a drow champion of Avalore, along with her adventuring group. After this event, Avalore imprisoned Lolth into the deepest reaches of the Shadowfell, allowing her to still rule in her imprisonment.
Divine Classification
Lesser God

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