Constitution of the City-State of Froúrio
The constitution of Froúrio establishes the city-state of Froúrio and has jurisdiction over the islands that constitute Froúrio nisí. This version of the constitution was replaced following the fall of Froúrio in the autumn of 4706.
This document is succeeded by the Second Constitution of Froúrio.
The constitution serves as an aggregate of the fundamental principles that constitute the legal basis of the city-state of Froúrio. It serves to establish precedents and along with subsequently codified laws establish how the city-state is to be governed.
Document Structure
Article 1 - Citizenship, Residency and Indenture
Establishes the pre-requisites of citizenship (citizens).Residency
Also establishes the pre-requisites, terms and procedures of residency (metics).Other Inhabitants
Defines status of other non-citizen, non-resident inhabitants and establishes the duty to obey the laws of Froúrio.Indenture
Defines indenture and establishes what conditions an individual may become indentured/lose the rights of citizenship or residency, acceptable terms of service and procedures for manumission.Article 4 - Drafting of Laws
Allows for other Drákon League city-states to propose new laws for consideration. Establishes a committee of citizens responsible for finald rafting, review, approval and amending laws. Defines the term of membership of the committee, procedures, powers and limits of the committee.Article 5 - Administration and Enforcement of Laws
Establishes citizen offices responsible for execution and administration of laws. Defines the term of each office and its procedures, powers and limits.Article 6 - Adjudication of Laws
Establishes the system of magistrates, their jurisdiction, limitations of judgement and rights of appeal to a committee formed from other member city-states.References
The document references a code of laws (also currently being drafted).
Publication Status
The document is in draft form.
Legal status
The constitution is valid from signature and covers the city-state of Froúrio as well as the entire island complex of Froúrio nisí. It does not cover Eleusis.
Historical Details
The original constitution of Froúrio remained in effect until the fall of the city and death of its citizenry in the fall of 4706.
The document is in force from signature. It can be ammended through the process defined in the constitution.
Decree, Governmental
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Expiration Date