Organization: Drákos Akadimia

The Drákon League established the Drákos Akadimía in 4660 to develop the leadership, engineering and magical talents from within the constituent city states of Asteriápolis, Fengáripólis, and Ilioúpolis. The physical building was destroyed in the Fall of Froúrio in 4706.
Drákos Akadimía
Organization | Dec 30, 2020

An academic setting established to develop the leadership, engineering and magical talents from within the Drákon League

Areas of Study

The Akadimía supports six distinct areas of study. These areas of study both support the commerce and defense of the growing city-states, but also the breadth of talents found in the various peoples that attend the institution. Each area is supported by a Lead Instructor and one or more Assistant Instructors.
Akadimía credentials and areas of study
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

The various areas of study that can be pursued at the Drákos Akadimía. The requirements for study, and the structure of the program.

Leadership and Martial Studies
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on to be generals or hold high ranking civil offices within the city-states.

Law and Society
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as teachers, experienced jurists or leaders of family enterprises.

Natural Philosophy
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as spiritual leaders, agricultural specialists, pastoral specialists, or leaders of related commercial endeavours.

Physiology and Medicine
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as athletes, trainers, healers and researchers.

Mathematics, Architecture and Engineering
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as artisans, architects, engineers or lead commercial endeavours.

Theory of Magics
Generic article | Jan 8, 2021

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as teachers, foreign service, skilled artisians, or other specialist careers.


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