Physiology and Medicine

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as athletes, trainers, healers and researchers.   This discipline covers topics such as:
  • Introductory material covering the science of life, with a focus on humanoid species.
  • The anatomy of humanoid life forms and comparative anatomy with other species.
  • The movement of living things, including how the bodies parts work together to produce movement.
  • The composition and internal function of humanoid species.
  • The impact of food, drink and other inputs necessary to support life.
  • The cause, impact and cures of acute illness and chronic disease.
  • The treatment of injury including field treatment, magical treatment, and surgical intervention.
  • The understanding of, classification of, composition and treatment of toxins.

Course Catalog

PHY 101: Introduction to Physiology and Medicine

This required introductory course surveys the topics covered in the discipline and provides the core skills necessary to complete advanced courses. Basics of the science of life, with a focus on humanoid species. Survey of anatomy, biomechanics, and internal function of humanoids.   This course has both a lecture and practical component.  

PHY 102: Anatomy

This course looks at the structure of humanoids and their parts. Investigation into the body through models, disection, and direct manipulation.   This course has both a lecture component and practical component.  

PHY 103: Biomechanics

This course looks at the movement of a humanoid, including how muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments work together to produce movement. Investigation into the body through models, disection, and direct manipulation. Examination of methods and techniques (natural and magical) for impeding or enhancing their function. A short survey of the ethics of enhancement is also included.   This course has both a lecture component and practical component.  

PHY 104: Biology

This course looks at the physical structure of a humanoid, its chemical processes, and the interaction between other organisms. Investigation into the body through models, enhanced observation, and chemical manipulation. Examination of methods and techniques (natural and magical) for impeding or enhancing function at an internal level.   This course has both a lecture component and practical component.  

PHY 201: Environmental Factors

This course is an advanced look into the impacts of environmental factors on the development and function of humanoids. Topics include diet, exercise, physical environment and social factors.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

PHY 202: Injury and Poisoning

This course is an advanced look into the causes and treatment of poisoning and injury. The study of the most common forms of acute injury in humanoids is complemented by physical, technological and magical means of stabalizing, treating and healing these injuries. The course will survey the variety of poisons, and their classification. Students will be repsonsible for creating, applying and treating these poisons. Treatment will include magical and traditional means, such as antivenom and antidotes.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

PHY 203: Acute and Chronic Disease

This course is an in depth exploration of the causes of acute and chronic disease. Students will study the frequency and pattern of distribution of common diseases, as well as their causes and common risk factors. The impact of characteristics within a populations.   Students will investigate the common treatments for chronic diseases, with a focus on differentiation of cure, alleviation of symptoms, disease management and pallative care. Practical application of traditional and magical treatments will be used.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

PHY 204: Independent Project

This course can be used as an independent or individual exploration of a topic within the core area. Discussion with your advisor is required before selecting this course. This course can be taken more than once for credit, assuming the project area is different.  

Qualifications and Course Availability

Competence in writing, language and aptitude with Natural Magic or Bloodline magic are required for this area of study.
Position Available   Notable Students
Ajax Telamunus


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