Anwei Lucien Character in Akeroth | World Anvil
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Anwei Lucien

Doctor Anwei Lucien is a surgeon and a former soldier who participated in the Battle of Illotos. When Reid returns to his home in Erwick, he is attacked and turned into a vampire before experimenting on himself using Werewolf blood. During the second wave of the vampiric epidemic, Reid seeks out the one who turned him as he balances life and death as a doctor, vampire, and werewolf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reid is the son of Madame Emelyne Lucien and Aubrey Lucien. During his youth, his older brother, Aubrey Lucien, left the family, but left a letter for his brother with their butler and instructed him to give it to him when he turn thirty-five. Prior to the events of the War, Anwei made a name for himself as a doctor. Excelling as a surgeon, he held at least three major seminars for fellow physicians before enlisting. In addition to his skill as a surgeon, Anwei was also a blood specialist, and his knowledge was greatly respected and admired within the community. Reid held fast to the Hippocratic oath he made with the intent to heal those in need.   When Reid chose to participate in the War, it was party to test newly learned techniques regarding blood transfusions. He enlisted as a military doctor and served the military until the defeat of Ar-Seid.   Reid returned to Erwick with the intention of employing techniques regarding blood transfusions as means of combating the Vampire Outbreak. On his way to visit his ill mother, Reid was assaulted by a member of the Jesters of Chaos and blacked out with the last thing he could from it was a dark poem. When he regained consciousness, he realizes he was thrown into a mass grave with no recollection of how he came to be there.
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Keivan
Place of Death
Green, Red (When Enraged)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White


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