King Choomba Character in Akeroth | World Anvil
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King Choomba

Choomba is the 28th King of Erwick. He is also a former captain of the 7 Heroes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Choomba was born in the Casian Theocrasy to a family of blacksmiths. After turning 15 years old, Choomba found reading on the Gods and decided he would venture out into the world and learn more about the pantheon. While wandering around in disguise, Choomba witnesses someone demonstrate Dark Magic. Intrigued Choomba invites himself to follow this man through the lands trying to learn more about his power During that year, Choomba was recruited by this man to be his emissary and do his deeds under the name of Ius. This man allowing Choomba to bear witness to the divine granted him a magical amulet, made from a piece of his family's anvil.   Choomba hides his intentions by allowing people to believe he serves Sifur and began his journey through Akeroth. At a point in his life, he met with the group now known as the 7 heroes where he attained the title of the leader through simply being smarter than the rest.   After his deceit of the group he too was sent back in time to one without the Dark Lord and here is where he bared witness to the Genocide of the Solari. Vowing that the Gods are not what he thought he took an oath and accepted power from the fallen gods, offering up his body when the time was right.   During the Battle of Illotos, Choomba learned that he was destined to die to save Akeroth but it wasn't his time just yet and upon being thrust back into Akeroth he went to Erwick to assume control after the 45-year campaign to rid the land of the Nightwalkers.


Choomba is known to have an obsession with magic, as he loves to explore the kingdom in search of magic that he has never seen before. Usually, his childish personality emerges when he encounters a new type of magic and gets excited to see it in action. Choomba also goes so far as to disguising himself, so he can conduct his search without being recognized by the citizens. Due to his childish nature, Choomba also has a penchant for leaving his duties as King or intentionally leaving while high-ranking Knights are in the same room as low-ranking Knights, even though he is aware that they would eventually clash.   Despite that, Julius is also a very wise man with wide knowledge and experience in magic dynamics. This can be seen when he recognizes that Anwei was not simply a human. In addition, Choomba does not see people based on their social standings.   At the core, Choomba is a loving and very driven man, partly inspired by himself. It was after witnessing his own death that Choomba began to focus his energy on becoming King. Reading the thoughts of his future self during his final moments, he saw that all he thought about was how he was grateful to have seen so many different magics, so many different people, the fact that he fought The Maestro, without the intent to kill, and used his years stored up magic to defend the people of the capital city, shows the depths of his love for his people and his world.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey with Golden Tusks (Formerly Red)
Ruled Locations


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