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Kruna fish

Although it’s not really a fish, the kruna fish or the sea wing is a very smart and rare aquatic animal. They mainly live in warm oceans, but a large quantity of them lives in the Coral sea. A noticeable amount of them was also saw in the still not fully explored Tankera forest. They’re really magical creatures, with many unknown abilities. They are being hunted and killed for they’re teeth, hearts, wings, and others, witch are very good for making magical items or potions. They’re sentient creatures, living in small groups. At first, a Kruna is born and will remain with a family group. Then, it will take off with a friend group, until it finds a mate and forms a family group. The groups a individual has once been in will still be visiting it from time to time. The closest animal to this creature is the sea dragon, or the Krina fish. See @Krina fish.

Basic Information


Each Kruna has a specific coloration. Usually, they shine, have a neon color. They’re front limbs don’t have fingers or claws. They don’t have back limbs, but instead, a tail. They have four wings on they’re back. They use them to move around.

Genetics and Reproduction

After getting a mate, the female Kruna can lay maximum two eggs, that she will care for the next 15 years. Between Kruna siblings, there must always exist a minimum age difference of 5 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Kruna reaches phisyc adolthood around 15-16 years old. They reach physical maturity around 23. They can live over 300 years or more, if they don’t get ill or killed.

Ecology and Habitats

They like living in coral reafs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Kruna male and female both bring food home, once the babies are over the age of 5. They eat corals, coral fish, and fish in general.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

When hunting, Kruna can know if the pray noticed it or not. The same goes when hiding. Kruna can also communicate between them by editing high pitched noises
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
They are very rare. Hunting them down is illegal.

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