AKOZ Geographic Location in AKOZ | World Anvil
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AKOZ (Ah-Kahz)


After a long and mostly forgotten war between multiple powers, the planet was devastated by explosions, nuclear fallout, and ravaged in chaos. Soon after, the world experienced an extreme electromagnetic shift that caused rapid climate change and weather pattern anomalies, famines, and other intense circumstances that led up to an ice age, where most of the world froze over. The survivors of this global catastrophe went underground but some eventually returned to the surface, where they experienced a great deluge and the world flooded. After this event, three continents were present on the planet: Rudhira, Rexgren, and Blár.


A continent in the northwest of the globe that consists of a main landmass with two smaller landmasses and a few tiny islands. This is where humanity first settled. Its most northern areas experience below freezing temperature during the winter and often become frozen. It consists of mostly a taiga that stretches across the mainland its neighboring landmass to the right. Above the taiga, it is tundra, and above that is glacier, but it makes up the least amount of biome. The northern areas of Rudhira receive the least amount of rainfall yearly. Its lands are above sea level from eight to one hundred ft. At the center of the Rudhira is grassland, which makes up the majority of its biomes. The grasslands extend in all directions and also makes up the majority of the landmass to right that is part of Rudhira, which also rise from thirty to sixteen hundred feet above sea level, creating high slopes and hills. The grasslands are bordered by taiga and temperate deciduous forest that which flatten out and raise up the farther inland the area. Outside of that type of forest is either temperate rainforest or coastline, with the only exception being a tropical seasonal forest and a tropical rainforest that neighbor each other at the most southeast area of of Rudhira's southeastern landmass. The majority of Rudhira experiences warm temperatures usually above thirty degrees and receives a moderate amount of rainfall in total yearly, the most left coastal areas of Rudhira's mainland receives the most precipitation yearly and experiences heavy rainfall. The lower regions of Rudhira's mainland and its southeast landmass of consists of mostly temperate deciduous forest that maintains a temperature above forty degrees, but also includes a relatively large temperate rainforest along the east side and at its northwest area. There is a little grassland at the south western area of the landmass. It receives a moderate amount of rainfall each year with the eastern coast experiencing the most heavy precipitation.


A large landmass usually placed at the center or just offset left of the center of maps. There is a smaller landmass to its northwest that is considered to be part of Rexgren, but was heavily disputed as being part of Rudhira in the past. The northwest landmass of Rexgren is relatively small in comparison to the mainland and its lands range from thirty to one hundred and eighty feet above sea level. It consists of only forests: tropical seasonal forest, temperate deciduous forest, and tropical rainforest. Its temperature typically stays above forty degrees throughout the year, this also includes the most northern areas of the mainland. The smaller landmass receives a decent amount of precipitation yearly. The mainland itself at the north consists of mostly grassland that is thirty to three hundred feet above sea level. At its slightly northeast area, grassland meets savanna which meets tropical seasonal rainforest, tropical rainforest, meets wetland at heights that reach up to three hundred and thirty feet above sea level. At its center, the mainland consists of cold desert that stretches southeast towards its southern taiga, grassland that is split by taiga and continues west, where the lands raises up to six thousand seven hundred feet at of taiga, tundra, or cold desert and the temperature at those areas drops to near or below freezing. The cold desert receives little to no rainfall ever and the surrounding areas receive a small amount of it yearly. Outside of grassland and taiga is either temperate rainforest, temperate deciduous forest, tundra, or coastline. To its south, the land lowers from two hundred back to around five feet, where there exists mostly tundra that meets taiga and glacial areas and the temperature drops to near or below freezing. The majority of its heavy rainfall is experienced along the southwest and north east forests or taiga.


A set of landmasses and islands located at the southeast regions of AKOZ. The northern area of Blár consists smaller landmasses and islands that maintain a temperature around or above fifty two degrees and consist of mostly temperate deciduous forest that neighbors temperate or tropical rainforest. The areas of forests of the northern most landmass raises up to five thousand five hundred feet above sea level, while those of the mainland and other lands range from five to three thousand feet. The majority of the mainland is made up of grassland that borders forests, taiga, tundra, or cold desert. From the slight southwest area of the mainland to the mid northeast, the land rises and the temperature drops to around or below freezing, specifically around the taigas and frozen areas at or around its center. To the northwest, snowy mountains populate the snowy and frozen peaks of Blár's mainland. The right most lands of Blár stays around one hundred feet above sea level and consists of mostly grassland that stays around forty five degrees. The grasslands are mostly surrounded by temperate deciduous forest. There is a smaller island to the right of this landmass that is completely temperate rainforest. Blár receives lots of precipitation yearly due to its location and noticeably colder climate compared to the other landmasses of AKOZ, with forests of the the northern smaller lands of Blár receiving the heaviest rainfall yearly.

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