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Shadow elves. Tuatha Umbra. Dark elves.   {Str:10, Con: 9, Int:13, Wis:12, Dex:13, Agi:12, Cha: 8} {Skills: Night Vision, Shadowmeld}  
  The southern city of Gorias, dug into the earth, through bramble and root, isolated the dreyth long enough for them to experiment in secret with shadowbleeding. This dark practice, uninhibited by social judgment, flourished in its secrecy. This to the point where the dreyth were called shadow elves and dark elves for their corrupting the night into blood sacrifice.   Dreyth found solace west, past the Great Wall, in the shadowed vale of Naikaze, where dark thorny trees blot out all sun and wind, where the leaves are violet and the moss and fungus glow. Occasionally a solo dreyth, or a small group, will venture out in the world. Most polite society shuns them. This probably fuels their honing warlocking, witchcraft and necromancy. Shadow magica has become their bread and butter.


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