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Wild elves. Tuatha Terra. Wood elves.   {Str:10, Con:10, Int: 9, Wis:12, Dex:13, Agi:13, Cha:10} {Skills: Night predator, forest (night vision, hunting, foraging, tracking)}  
  Of all the former Tuatha leaving Fablemyr and the Fey, the wildryn stayed closest. Leaving Falias, their city in the trees, to the flora and fauna of the Fey, they reconstructed their home in Valorenwood, amidst much grander and colossal trees, stretching hundreds of feet into the sky. They prefer using tools and instruments of nature, whether wood or bone, vine or sinew. For this, and sometimes eating meat raw, they are the most primal.   Wildryn favor druidry and summoning, sometimes shamanism, but rarely much else. They typically leave magica wielding to the ones called to it, revere them as such, and leave them alone, as such. Their true love is ranging and hunting, running in tune with Nature and sleeping under her domain.


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