Dyanee, Goddess of Hesos, Death, and the Afterlife Character in Akris | World Anvil
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Dyanee, Goddess of Hesos, Death, and the Afterlife

The Goddess of Hesos, Death,and the Afterlife, Dyanee is regarded as being the second of the Gods to arrive after the creation of the cosmos. Typically, those who pray to her seek to communicate with someone in Hesos, ensure safe passage of a loved one to Hesos, or prevent or circumvent death. Dyanee is favored amongst Necromancers. She is usually depicted as a Human woman, half of her face encapsulating beauty and the other half a visage of decay and death.

Divine Domains

Grave and Death.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A gilded snake weaving through a skull

Tenets of Faith

Those who are faithful to Dyanee usually embody stoicism, fearlessness, and look for certainties.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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