The Chance

Write about a sport that has great significance to a culture in your setting. Explain the rules, how it's played, what the objective is, and why it means so much to the people in question.   The Chance is a reoccurring sports festival held at rotating city-states every eight years. A various number of events are planned out ranging in degrees of: physical prowess, strategy, magic use, teamwork, and spirit. Different events are played as individualists, in pods of players of players from mixed city-states, or as teams from the same city-states. The Chance comes around once every eight years for a month. Generally, cheating is frowned upon and penalized. This is true only when a participant is caught attempting, performing, or proven as cheating. Officials such as judges and referees have been caught abusing positions of power to support their favored city-states bring home the most medals.

When the winner(s) of events are declared they are given the opportunity to ask from one of the following: a city-state, Akun, government officials, or a sponsor to give them a prize appropriate for the challenge and spectacle of their event; or they may claim a piece of unclaimed territory for their own.


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