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The Void Singer

Everynight when I stare deep into the universe, I can hear your infinite song.   -Unknown Child of the Tri-Mother

Divine Domains

Empty Space

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The God Regalia. This symbol applies to all gods that are perceived to be all good.


Mother's day.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Melcanter appears as a giant, disembodied head with three skeletal arms and a spine protruding from her "back." Her mouth is in a perpetual state of screaming.

Body Features

Melcanter's skin tone is light shade of brown. The skeletal features of her body are identical in structure and composition to human bones although larger.

Facial Features

Where you would expect Melcanter to have eyes, there are empty sockets with severely scarred tissue.

Special abilities

Melcanter can create empty space with her mouth.

Specialized Equipment

On one of Melcanter's hands, on the index finger, exists a ring. The gem and metal of the ring are unknown. The ring is easily large enough to encompass the Solar System.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melcanter was formed suddenly and without purpose. She physically ejects empty space from her mouth. Without her, every single bit of matter in the universe would exist in a singular point.

Gender Identity

Melcanter transcends gender but she is perceived to be female.


Melcanter transcends sexuality although she does share the role of mother with both Purmua and Bairbanir.

Personality Characteristics


Melcanter has no known motives but her existence works in tangent with Purmua and Bairbanir by allowing space for planets and stars to exist.


Contacts & Relations

She helps mother the universe along with Purmua and Bairbanir.

Family Ties

She helps mother the universe along with Purmua and Bairbanir.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Void Singer
Current Residence
Melcanter transcends biology.
She has scarred craters where her eyes would be expected.
She has no hair.
From top to bottom, she is the size of a galaxy.
50 trillion stellar masses.
Quotes & Catchphrases
Known Languages
Her void singing could be considered a language since her most dedicated worshipers are able to use the same ability, albeit at a lesser scale.

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