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Earth Birther

"Sir, the earthquakes. They're getting worse."   "Yes, and I believe I've found the cause of them as well."   "You have? Tell me."   "After searching through thousands of libraries and thousands of books. I Have come to a definite conclusion."   "Which is, Sir?"   "The Earth. It's hatching."

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

There are many works written in her honor but there is no single book.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The God Regalia. This symbol applies to all gods that are perceived to be all good.


Mother's Day, Earth Day

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Create planets.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is bigger than the sun. Her skin is covered in a layer of mucus. On one end of her body, she has a duct from which planets are released. On her "back" lies a fin. And on the other end, she has many eyes connected by tentacles.

Body Features

Her skin is brownish-green.

Facial Features

She doesn't even have a face.

Identifying Characteristics

She literally gives birth to planets. That's pretty identifying.

Physical quirks

Every specific aspect of Purmua could be defined as a "physical quirk."

Special abilities

She can birth planets. That's pretty special.

Apparel & Accessories

Clothes are such a mortal concept.

Specialized Equipment

Nope. Nothing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Purmua was created spontaneously and without reason. She lays eggs (which we know as "planets"). She helped create the known universe with two other mothers: Melcanter and Bairbanir.   Her one and only adversary is the Man Maker. The Man Maker placed humans on Purmua's first egg, Earth, and she has never forgiven him since.

Gender Identity

Humans have attributed a female identity to Purmua. However, in actuality, there are no genders when you're in space.


Sexuality does not apply when your a God (although, if you're interested, she is part of a triple mom alliance.)


She make planets for a living.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has created every planet in existence.

Failures & Embarrassments

She failed to keep her planets from the hands of the Man Maker.

Mental Trauma

She's pretty distraught from the Man Maker's contamination of one of her plants.

Intellectual Characteristics

She's really smart when it comes to making literal planets.

Morality & Philosophy

She is perceived to be very materal and despite the fact that humans are the progeny of her worst enemy, she cares for them deeply.


Purmua's one and only rule: Do not touch her planets.

Personality Characteristics


All she wants is for her planets to be safe.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She's really good at birthing planets.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes her planets. She utterly abhors anyone who touches her planets.

Virtues & Personality perks

She is very calm unless someone touches her planets.

Vices & Personality flaws

Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.

Personality Quirks

Purmua is a quirk in and of herself.


She keeps her planets clean. Except for earth; she couldn't bring herself to kill humankind.


Contacts & Relations

She helped create the universe with two other mothers: Melcanter and Bairbanir.

Family Ties

She has trillions of children (you know, the planets). Also, she very much loves her co-mothers.

Religious Views

She is religious views. In fact, she is one of the most worshiped deities.

Social Aptitude

She is extremely maternal. She tends to each of her planets equally.


She makes planets quite often.

Hobbies & Pets

She's really into making planets.


It is unknown if she can actually speak..

Wealth & Financial state

She has no need for such a human-like thing.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Earth Birther.
Current Residence
She has a biological sex? Where is it?
Purmua has many eyes that change colors rapidly. Never has an eye been the same color twice.
What hair?
4 octillion tons.
Quotes & Catchphrases
She hasn't a mouth with which to speak.
Known Languages
Maybe she does speak. But we have no idea.
Ruled Locations
Character Prototype
She would just be CGI.

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