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The Undertruth

"You're gonna owe me for this. I cannot believed you signed me on for this job with even telling me." said the investigator, exasperated.   "Oh, come on. The guys back at the station are gonna look at us as heroes for doing this. Plus, we get a huge bonus," reassured the forensic.   "Okay, fine, fine. But can you actually tell me why we we had to drive into the middle of the desert to for this?."   "Yeah, well, we finally found the meeting place of the Kaleidoscopers. Albeit abandoned, the building will prob-"   "Wait," the investigator interupted, "are you shitting me? The Kaleidoscopers? Turn the car around. Now."   "Calm down, damn. It's too late, anyway. We're already here."   "We are so dead. We are dead. You know this right?"   "Shut the hell up. The building is abandoned. We're fine. Now get out of the car and stop whining."   The forensic and the investigator both got out of the car and walked toward the small brick building. They both got out cameras in order to take pictures. Once they entered the building, they quickly realized that they made a mistake.   "Shit. Shit! They burned everything. We came here for nothing." The investigator quickly turned around and started for the exit.   "Wait, wait. Look. Do you see that? The pedestal over there." The forensic walked over and lifted the book from the pedestal which was completely untouched by the fire.   "Okay, great. We got something of use. Can we go know?"   "Hold on. This book is so weird. It's just a stack of papers connect by string. Where's the binding?"   "Who cares about the binding. Let's go."   "Okay, okay. Fine." With that, the forensic and the investigator headed back to the station, ready to share their new discovery.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The book lacks any sort of binding and contains exactly 800 pages filled with nonsensical phrases and pictures. It is believed there is a deeper meaning behind the contents of the book but nothing has been determined thus far.

Manufacturing process

Standard book making was used to create The Undertruth.


The Undertruth is the only surviving text written by the Kaleidoscopers.
Item type
Book / Document
Owning Organization
Only copy in existence.
18 Ounces
Base Price
One of a kind, cannot be sold. (At least, not legally.)
Raw materials & Components
Chemical analysis has revealed a few things: the pages are made of flax fibers and the ink is a mixture of soot and spinal fluid.
Standard book making was used to create The Undertruth.

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