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Songs of the Tar

Songs of the Tar, are a scattered network of adventurers and spies who advocate equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power. The Songs of the Tar gather information throughout the land to thwart tyrants. They aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed.   The organization has persisted through the ages. Its longevity and resilience are largely due to its decentralized, grassroots, secretive nature, and the autonomy of its various members.   Songs of the Tar are whispered about, but their membership is a secret. It is said that where power has been corrupted, Songs of the Tar will come to root out the corruption.   Insignia: A lapel pin of a stylized Tar in silver. Motto: "Down with tyranny. Fairness and equality for all." Beliefs: The Songs of the Tar beliefs can be summarized as follows: One can never have too much information or arcane knowledge. Too much power leads to corruption, and the abuse of magic in particular must be closely monitored. No one should be powerless. Goals: Gather information throughout Parsa, discern the political dynamics within each region, and promote fairness and equality by covert means. Act openly as a last resort. Thwart tyrants and any leader, government, or group that grows too powerful. Aid the weak, the poor, and the oppressed. Typical Quests: Typical Songs of the Tar quests include securing an artifact that would upset the balance of power in a region, gathering information on a powerful individual or organization, and determining the true intentions of an ambitious political figure or evil spellcaster. Known Members:  
Secret, Brotherhood


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