BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The End of Darkness

The hero and the villain.

The years after Alastor had formed his new pact, he gave himself to his work, this world was poisonous to him from the very start to him and if this borrowed power would allow him to remake it to his benefit, then by the Twelve he shall bring this world to its knees, regardless of the cost. And he took the title of the lord of lies and accepted his fate.
  but of course things would never shape the way he wants them to, Miko began to follow him and whenever he went to spread ruin she went to stop him, for years the two battle each other, Alastor was never able to put and end to her, even when she tried many times to kill him, even when she shoot him in the shoulder, somethings you just can't change...
  But what Miko never knew was that every time she stopped Alastor from completing his work, a heavy load grew on his shoulders, the anxiety of never knowing if he would be able to make it, the constant preassure to get rid of her by his peers, and the constant stress of the consequences of his action catching up to him, began to affect his mind, the days became colder and colorless and soon enough he entered a deep depresion, one that worrried him deeply, he was afraid of one of these days break and do something to Miko that he could never forget.

The Priestess

Alastor decided to leave the lands of the empire and travel to the northern capital of Eldeen far away from Miko, and as he made his way up the continent, mayhem and destruction followed. And it followed him into a secluded temple of luxara high up in the mountains, the screaming , the fire, the shouting of the unfortunate souls the same as always, but for this time Alastor Wished to stop, to forget about his pact and just have peace, just be himself not the abomination he now was. it was during his stay at near the temple of luxara where he meet Sophie, at the beginning she didn't meant much for Alastor, but over time the 2 began to be fast friends, there was an inherit kidness to her, she was able to see past his facade and saw Alastor sadness behind it all. something that drove him mad to but at the same time confused, confused same as always, at the beginning they were 2 strangers and most of the time they didn't get along very well but there was something about Sophie that just couldn't be explained.   Overtime Alastor began to develop feelings for her, feelings he knew where not a good idea, for there was much she didn't knew about him, but what if only if he could just be with her, all the time, a person who seem to understand him, and overlook all of his worst traits, so he began to seek answers in secret and away from Daboi's gaze he bagan seeking a way out of his pact...   The Answer will come trough Sophie herself, as she turned out to be a priestess of a long family of worshipers of Luxara and she could break the pact with a family ritual, Alastor without hesitation asked for this ritual to be performed, seeing a way out of everything he was doing, but above all he could perhaps share the feelings he had for her.   so the night came when the light of moonlight struck the hour of midnight the right rituals and incantations where performed, all the souls and demons he had enslaved where free from his grasp and with it the ever constant preassure of his dark past, he embraced Sophie for the first time he felt hope, he could perhaps be finally normal, she had done so much for him, being so good with him, Alastor was sure she must have feel the same way she felt.   so the next week he was ready to share his feelings, on the last day of the spring he went to Sophie's house, from the beginning Sophie tried to put distance between her and Alastor and it wasn't common for him to arrive at her doorstep so when he arrived at the door she tought it to be importamt, but she didn't answer the door herself, her fiance did.   Shocked, confused , he had misinterpreted all? was he so devoided of love and afection that he confused a little bit of kindness for love? no that couldn't be the case, no one would so out of his way to help someone else, someone she didn't felt anything for, so he entered her residence and confronted her.   She had put her limits, she saw Alastor as a friend and she never inteded to give him any hopes of anything else, she was clear and understanding of Alastor feelings, as she always was, but something inside Alastor was hurt, deeply hurt, he tought he just found someone, he could trust and this felt like a another betrayal, like a dagger strucking his back, he left of air and words. he left Sophie's House cursing her existence, she meant so much for him but him didn't meant much for him. Alastor made a mistake that cost him his heart and he will not make a mistake like that again.   And like that Alastor lost everything that made him had control over his world, now he was alone, powerless and vulnerable once again he felt like a child on Richter's basement naked and without anything for him to do other than await tormet, and torment sure was on his way for the dark was the place where he belong and now the dark was looking for him with zelous eyes.  

The last Resort

The nights where long, he knew that Ishmael and the other would come for him, and he would be powerless, he still had in his posession the chains of Salomon but his power was gone, he had no option but to run, beg for shelter and food, he arrived at many temples and ask for the forgiveness of many goods, but none replied back, this cursed life, it happend again, nothing is meant for me, and as soon as a let go, everything scapes from my grasp.
  I will not go like this, I have to fight back, Dabi, Ishmael, the whole world If I need to,but I would no beg for scraps, I wont beg for forgiveness, I shall make my way with blood and fire. and at that moment he recieved a vision.
  he saw a forgotten temple deep within a mountain pass, hidden from civilization, someting or someone was calling him, and Alastor wasn't in a position to be picky about these things, he traveled to the place he dreamt, he could feel the forces of evil at his heels, every day they drew nearer, until stopping to sleep or eat werent possible anymore, as if triying to scape the night arriving at this temple look like an imposible task as the days continued.
Until he finally arrived at last, right about as the night was about to fall on the last day of the auttum.
  -Hello! is anyone there? I followed your visions as you said!
  but no one answered, the night felled upon the temple, and the creatures of the night could be heard in the distance.
  -Please I have nothing else, I dont' have anything to give, I just wish to find something in this life worth living for, something true, something in this world that is for me-
  the creatures, specters, devils, from the most vile to the more pityful of creatures began to sorround him.
  -I'm sorry If I don't match your expectatives whoever you are! but I'm not gonna, trow myself to the floor and beg, I would much rather rot in hell than to abandon what little pride I have left-   -I never expected less- a voice appeared from the mountains, like an echo in the night.
and as the creatures where about to strike, a magical circle appear on the ground, it's ground becoming sacred.
  Alastor, your life wasn't easy and you suffered much, but that dosen't justify what you did, much less does it make it understandable,if it is power what you seek you shall find none here, you have wielded to much in the past and changed nothing, what I have for you is protection, the strenght to keep your old master at bay, while you atonne for past sins, if you accept my aid, be aware, you shall not wield any power that can harm others no more, and without any power you shall mend all the pain and suffering spreed on this world.
  -Fine! whoever you are, I have lost the strenght to finnish with my own life a long time ago, and if you power can keep me in this world a little bit longer to make something out of this dammed existence then yes, I take it!
  And so from within the temple it appeared, a tome with empty pages, radiant as the morning sun. you shall save as many lives as names can fit on that book, once it is done, all of its contents shall be yours, a shall return to you the power of magic you carefully trained, but know this very well, from hence foward you serve Haru and my will is absolute, no evil you will commit again while under my protection, and to ensure that I shall put a seal to your power until your learn how to use it, this shall be your contract and until is completed this Seal will stop you from ever hurting anyone.  

The Summoner Returns.

Months have passed since I made my pact with haru, and this dammed book seems endless, and from the moment I began this pact nothing has gone my way, it gave me time but I can believe I left so much power to be rejected by her... I don't wanna take this, this is not how things where meant to be, if I could find a way to remove this cursed sealed and recover my powers once more I will make sure that this world won't take me for a fool again!
  but where shall I begin?... I remember a scholar, what was his name? , yes Professor Dartsworth!, I remember studiying with him at some point, he probably is a sack of dust and bones by know, but it someone where to knew how to change this, then it will be him... My path takes me to Vale once more and this time I'm not that stupid boy I once was, this time I will obtain the power I will break my own shackles and do what I was always meant to be! a ruler!  


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