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The Harbinger of Destruction

The Devourer of Suffering

Richter Von Reuental was a sick individual, himself was warlock who gained power from pain and the suffering of others, in his state people knew him as a kind and gentle person, always with a smile in his face people where always happy to see him walking about town, no one in his state knew about his secret and the many horros he commited, he would buy slaves on a regular basis and used them to feed his own warlock pact, he even developed an obession to make what he called "art" out of peoples bones.
  The day he sat eyes on Alastor for the first time he knew that he was special, but above all fragile and beutiful, he bought him and abuse him both physically an sexually for almost a year,night after night, and would even share this experience with any of his followers who shared his passion for pain and suffering.
  Alastor Became Richter's Favorite pet, but he had far greater plans for him, Richter was preparing to fulfill his life's goal, make a pact with the deity of destruction Dabi.   The day was cold and many say that even the dogs werent brave enough to bark that night on Richter's State, the day of the sacrifice had come, he would offered Alastor tormented and empty heart to Dabi and with it he would form a pact that finally make him the most powerful warlock in the empire, everything was in place and when the hand of the clock touched hour of midnight Dabi answered.   He manifested himself as a cloud of dark icor and smoke that sunked into the basement of Richters Manor, his followers cheered for his arrival and Richter was in ecstasy at his sight, but as it turns out Dabi wasn't here for him, he was here for Alastor, he was here for the most rotten heart there was.
  His voice was like a symphony of symbals and percusions, but he was clear, he always was -What does your rotten heart desires the most?- he asked Alastor, -Power... give me the power to humilliate those who made my life nothing but pain, give me enough power to make sure no one will humilliate me ever again!
  -Four years, you have four years to complete your vengance, ruin the lifes of those who ruined yours, and if you consume your vengance before the time runs out you will keep my power, fail and I will be one consuming you- he didn't had to wait for an answer, and the god of destruction didn't had to wait for an answer he simply knew that Alastor would accept, and gifted him with the chains of Salomon, a powerful artifact that would allow him to summon and bound demons to his will.

By iron and blood

Richter's Lands where in ruin, nothing but ash an, smoke was left, but sadly the warlock was nowhere to be seen, it didn't mattered, there was many things to do, and few time, Alastor walked the lands of the empire for 3 years, 3 long years... increasing his power over demons and destroying the lifes of does who in the past made him any wrong, he began of course with those slave traders and the kidnappers who took him. 3 years it took him to ruin the lifes of many who deserved it and those who loved them, and when the time finally came to finnish his pact, he would take revenge on his father and after all these years he would take his rightfull place as the Marquis Of D'Bienne his birthright.
  He arrived in vale, a dark hood covering his face, he decided to spare the town of vale out of the memories he had with Miko, and arrived at his old Mansion at last, the Iron fences opened as he walked as if they recognized their true master and he arrived at the portal the housed welcomed him with the sound of joy and laughter, a new family called his house home.
  His father had died a natural death the previous year, and Ishmael and Simmone sold the house and left Vale, and as for Berenice, the mother he never could had, she was buried in a unamed tomb. Alastor had failed,he wanted to save the best for last and in doing so he had doomed himself.
  Alastor was Waiting for Dabi to come in person to finnish what he starded but instead he was visited by another one,who like himself had made a pact with the lord of destruction, his name was Ishmael another servant of Dabi.
  -you faled kid, like many others before you, luckily for you, your talent to spread fire and spill blood haven't gone unoticed- he continued- you have two options, surrender yourself here and now and compelte the cicle, finnish with it all- he stopped for a second
  -Or perpetuate yourself trough service to our master-
    -what do you mean by that- Alastor replied with interest.
  -Death comes for all of us young Owl, but for us it can be delayed, reap and tear life from this land and many others and with it you may considered your pact fulfill until our lord demads from us again- Ishmael smiled.
  Alastor walked closer to the man in black in front of him. - I don't have need for more life, I tried as much as I could and have no future to pursue or goals to achieve-
  -you may not- Ishmael replied but there are those close to you who may still desire this existence-
  -what are you talking about?- Alastor answered lifting his hand from the pommel of his dagger.
  -Visit the prison of this town, in there you will find your answer, I shall remove the power given to you as per your contract, but leave the glove in your possesion, if thou where to use it tonight we will considered it as an acceptance of this new accord- and like wind on a summer brezze he dissapear in front of Alastor.

The Lord of Lies is Born

Alastor traveled to the local prison of Vale, using what little magic he had learned over the years, he infiltrated it's walls, -here I will find my answers? what could there be in here for me ?- and then he saw it and at that moment he understood Ishmael words. Inside of a damp prison cell there she was, Miko, perhaps the only friend he ever had, and suddenly it dawned on him, taking his powers back would allow him to save her, but it would also condemn him to serve Dabi. It was idiotic, there was no way that he would do something as foolish as to exchange all of his life for her, it was clear on Alastor mind, but his legs wouldn't move, he wanted to talk to her, he wanted to at least touch her or see her smile one more time.
  Don't be Stupid Alastor, it's over, it was over from the moment you where brought to this horrid life by your mother, there is nothing left valuable to live, this world was never kind to you, why would you be kind to it at the last moment. It was certanly in his mind a dumb decision, but in his heart that confused child still lived, still wanted arrive to Miko's house and tell her how this thing called love made him insane.
  -By the Twelve, I can't believe what I'm about to do... the glove shined with a red hue, and the chains where in place one more, demons appeared around him once again, and then removed any suffering or sandness from his heart as he entered entered Miko's cell, she was the same as always, perhaps even happier, and like always she made him feel like and idiot, she made him angry, she made him smile, she made him a little bit more alive.
  but deep down he knew, he had done many terrible things, and now he was gonna do even worse ones, he didn't deserved any love or compasion, he would have to satisfied with the simple fact that she exists, so he ate those feelings once again and continue with his path
  Alastor left the following day, it was done, he now is a servant of Dabi forever bound to spread the seed of sin on this world, but people at this time would remember him not by his actual name, no, the would remember him as Mefisto the lord of Lies.


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