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The owlet

The Executioner's Bastard

The Marquis Marius D'Brienne was a rich and influential man within the Neo-Gaelic empire, he had made his fortune thanks to marriages and alliances made by his predecessors that had secured him the favor of King Gael IV and a place in his court. King Gael IX had given him the position of royal executioner, charged with hunting down anyone who questioned his power, thus earning him the nickname of the emperor's favorite bird of prey. Indeed Marcus D'Brienne was a cruel and ambitious man, who was not afraid to show his lack of mercy to anyone who got in his way, this of course included his family...
  The dawnfall of The D'Brienne family began when the firstborn son of Marius, Albert, died at the young age of 15, from a blow to the head that his father had given him with his cane after a fight, this turned into a pain to big for Marius first wife, Simmone,she with time she got sickly and died of pneumonia. Alone and without an heir Marius D'Brienne a year later decides to marry Odette a cousin of a smalle family branch, product of this incestuos relationship Damien D'Brienne was born
  Damien was born sickly and with a fragile body, something that constantly enraged Marius who took the habit of visiting the many brothels of Alberta and take his rage with any woman who had the terrible luck of service him that night. Years went by and the mood of the Marquis D'Brienne worsen, and it appeared that age did not seem to soften him one bit, he spent his days drinking and enjoying his fortune from whorehouse to whorehouse, until one day a man from the capital arrived at his Mansion in Vale, the mans brought to his door an owl Like beastkind woman named Berenice and in her hands she was holding the Marqui's Bastard son, Alastor.

The Bunny and the Owl

Marius made Berenice stayed in his mansion as a servant and prohibited anyone from calling her Alastor's mother, but everyone knew about his son's bastardy, many servants called him an abomination, a half breed, mogrel even, no one was happy about his exitance in that mansion, but none where more enraged than Simmone, who now had to take care of his husband's bastard.
  Alastor grew without any problems and to the surprise of many in his house without any sickness due to his halfbreed nature, and it was thanks to his Beastkind Heritage that Alastor was able to learn his first spell from one of Simmone's Enchanment books, it was simple, just a light cantrip, nothing of the otherworld, but it was enough for his father Marius to took an interested in this and force Simmone teach him magic, this was in fact the only good memories Alastor had with Simonne.
  With time Alastor became a more appealing Heir that his sickly and fragile brother Damien. At age six he was named as the new heir of his father and was given de D'brienne Last name and thanks to his magical progress was sent at his sixth birthday to the local Magic Academy.
  School life didn't go well for him either, the teachers and many of his fellow students where afraid of doing anything that might cause the rage of his father and so both teachers and students alike despised him, specially more when he became a troublesome kid, disrespecting his teachers and burning down something where always things that you could find Alastor doing to pass the time, and above all he couldn't stand the constant humilliation by his peers, but no one was able to put him in his place except for another beastkind girl at school named Miko.
  Miko wasn't afraid to stop Alastor or even trade blows with him, and whenever Alastor wanted to do something terrible to her she always had the luck to get out of it, something that incredibly frustraded Alastor.
As time went by a school it became apparent that he wasn't meant to be anything special, he wasn't talented or had any star to him, when his father got the news that his son would most likely never become a decent sorcerer, he beat up his mother Berenice after wich he made her live in the stables like an animal, and made Alastor took private classes, no son of him would be middle of the pack.
  Teacher after teacher came by and all of them grew tired of Alastor and his problematic nature, without any options left, Simmone proposed to bring someone his age to help him study, and as would luck have it that person became Miko.At first Alastor was furious about this but he began to feel something different, Miko was the first person who didn't treat him differently or was scared of him and he began to care for her.
  His father Marius the twisted man that he was, for other his part became interested in Miko and tried to made advances on her, Alastor quickly catch noticed of this and decided to protect Miko from his father's reach, he made sure to have his lessons as far away as possible from his father, to pretend to be sick whenever his father stayed at home so that Miko wouldn't have to come, and at times he could cause trouble to his father to distract him with anger, wich made Alastor gain many physical abuses by his father and Alastor made sure that Miko never knew about this, he didn't wanted her to feel responsable or guilty about it.
  Miko became important to Alastor altough he wouldn't admit it, even to this day, and it was during a field trip that he would come to realize this, during a full moon them both got lost in a nearby forest and troughout the night the took care of each other, Alastor would never forget the many times she protected him that night.    

Broken Wings

A year after the forest incident at 11 years old, Alastor decided that he was gonna share his feelings for Miko, he was very confused and conflicted, he couldn't believed he liked someone like her, but perhaps he did, he wasn't sure and it didn't matter he was decided to express what he feels for her and left the rest in the hands of the twelve.
  Unbeknownst to him, a group of kidnappers where following him for a while now and they jump at the oportunity and made him hostage, for months they tried to sell him for ramson to his father, but him being the greedy and cruel man that he was simply decided not to pay, Alastor was too much trouble and at the end of the day he still had another son and heir in Damien.
  The Kidnappers knowing the value of a child from a noble house decided to sell him in a underground market as a slave, to a man named Richter Von Reuental.


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