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Details of the history and recent trials of Seaspear.


A former Alban town, its made up of a mix of Norscans and Picts, As its a port town trading Norscans are primarily the Mercantile class while the ruling Picts of ancient bloodlines make the ruling class. Increased presence of Dwarven traders and workshops to accomodate the exclaves of the isles. MIlitary is a mix of Norscans and picts.


Ruled by the Alban Lord who has recently pledged undying fealty to the Emperor as Vassal. It's officially under Imperial rule and introducing the new laws has been slow and fraught with difficulties. Many of the nobles are keen to restore the kingdom of Alba, but for now they are humbled and only play lip service to the Empire. Taxation has risen under the Imperium and the common people are bearing the brunt of it, they pay homage to their laid and he sends their wealth to the empire for taxation as well as war reparations.


The Trident bay is completely enclosed by a colossal curtain wall of granite. No one can access Seaspear without crossing the harbour gate, Attacking the wall is as stupid as it is suicidal. And the sea makes it near impossible to sustain a blockade. The great mountain road is the only to access it from land and its extremely narrow with many a fortified gate along it. Numbers count for naught when marching through the mountain pass. Any invasion from land will result in unacceptable casualties and the reward of conquest will never be worth it. Realistically, the only way to take Sunspear is by siege and starve them out, however that requires a blockade from land and sea over a distance that is just impractical and would require most of the moutain road to be captured to deprive them of their crops. Not to mention how its virtually impossible to maintain a naval blockade within the boiling sea AND in the shadow of the veil.

Industry & Trade

Fish and seafood are of superior quality to the rest of Alba but more difficult to obtain driving higher prices and can be quite lucrative but oftimes dangerous with the boiling sea. The Mountain range is full of Iron deposits, combined with the efficient watermills and furnaces they are known to produce good quality iron and steel at an astounding pace. Its the only viable trading hub for the shrouded isles making them have a monopoly on the import of unique goods from the isles. Its location in an incredibly hostile seascape makes it an incredibly desirable location for ships to make harbour, often seen as the last homely haven in the smoking sea. It's extremely secure location has lead to a large number of banks that can guarantee security of any deposits made with few questions asked. This has worked wonders on the incredibly ambitous fortifications Seaspear posesses.


Built on the foundations of a ruined elven colony, it posesses a harbour that's nearly entirely naturally enclosed with only one narrow opening to the sea. The albans have built a colossal curtain wall that encloses the pier and nestles right into the cliffs of the mountain side with a massive double gate blocking the only entrance every ship entering must be held within the two gates and checked before entering the pier. The Wall is very tall and thick, made of granite. The sea is extremley unpredictable and temperstous at the best of times and it hugs the sea completely making it impossible to set foot before the wall as a result, it's nearly impossible to blockade for any small amount of time, and any assault would be next to impossible. The trident river flows straight from the mountains through the city, as the river descends sharply and quickly the locals have constructed many a water mill which has led to them using their limited space very efficiently with their industries. As the town is very confined by sheer cliffs and mountains, the locals have taken to hollowing them out and creating gorgeous cave galleries for accomodation and storage. Their stone masonry has even gained the respect of the ever prideful dwarves. Originally, the town was only accessible from the sea, the land that surrounds it is many, many miles of high mountains and glens practically inacessible for even the seasoned hiker, this meant Seaspear was entirely dependant on the sea and the ruling class had to change that. Over many decades, and 4 generations they succeeded in contruscting a paved road that lead through the mountain range creating a link to the mainland, and linking through temperate hidden glens for farms. It nearly bankrupted the town but the road is now the only viable link for the mainlanders to settle on the shrouded isles. And it forever ensured Seaspears survival from any siege as is can sustain itself from both sea and land in a near impregnable landscape.


The mercantile district consits of the Norscan and Dwarf industries in the lower elvations of the town. Primarily consisting of Norcan blood clans and Dwarfs. The harbour district is the busiest, and most cramped district, the buildings cant build out only up, so it can be a real warren in places. Here all the ships make rest and primary fish trade takes place as well as the feriies leading to the shrouded isles. I'ts also the most diverse where all races can be found within reason and the only place elves are allowed to inhabit. The residential and noble district houses the noble and middle classes from long established families of Pictish bloodlines. The Keep is on the pinaccle of the highest mountain with a massive underground complex. Here the noble court is held and the entire keep is strictly off limits to outsiders.


Fish Shellfish Mutton Iron Banking Stone Masonry

Guilds and Factions

The merchant guild is the most vital to Seaspear, it overseas all exports from the shoruded isles, vast majority consisting of Norscan heritage. The Banking district has played a massive role in the contruction and upkeep of the massive infrastructure projects Seaspear maintains. Dwarven conclaves exist within the city, they act a trading outfits and suppliers to the enclaves in the veil and have been playing an increasingly important role in the iron mines of Seaspear, the mines were running dry so they were called in to prolong the longevity of the mines. Their expertise has led to the mines running deeper than ever thought possible bringing a new lease of life to Sea Spears metal markets, and by extension, it's smithing industries. The Nobility have been badly bloodied but are eager for restoring the Kingdom of Alba and some are believed to know the location of highly sought after fugitives that can realise that dream. All are eager for a return to the old way but have been restrained by business and reason, arguments that are starting to fail.


It's said that Sea Spear was founded in the 4th century AC by one of two Pictish twin brothers. On the run with their household after the Aos Si razed their southern homeland and killed their liege father and heir. Homeless and adrift on the Sea, the twin brothers needed a new home and couldn't agree on who would lead their house. So they made a pact that whoever first laid hands on their new home would found it in their name as Laird.   After weeks adrift on the harsh seas, the veil eventually parted with the rising sun on the first natural harbour they've seen in the mountainous coastline. So the brothers immediately raced towards it. The brother who spotted it first was further ahead, but his ship was more damaged and slower. The lagging brother was able to close the gap but not enough to get their first. And just when his brother was about ti disembark his long ship the lagging brother in desperation cut off his right hand, tied it to his fish Spear and hurled it at the shore. The Spear landed before his his brother and thus he was named Laird of their new home aptly named, Sea Spear. And took it for his Sigil, a Severed hand clutching a fish Spear on a turquoise field.   History doesn't mention the fate if the other brother leading the historians believing he challenged his brother with his chosen weapon but lost his hand, and a house founded in a honourable race is more comfortable than an act of fratricide.   No matter the origin, the bay was near perfect for a holdfast, the bay is nearly entirely surrounded by sheer rock and already possessed the fortifiable ruins of am ancient elven settlement. Naturally fortified and it's proximity to the Veiled Isles made it a prime mercantile location. However, it could only be accessed by the sea as the settlement was built into the sheer cliff faces of nearly impassable mountains, and being so close to the veil, the sea is far from a desirable approach. Without land access to the mainland, Sea Spear was just a heavily fortified fishing town and a welcome port to any stormbound sailor. However, Sea Spear was uniquely located as the only haven in the northwest and being within striking distance of the Veiled Isles, and the Laird saw the opportunity for unparalleled wealth in the west.   So the ruling house spent untold decades building a road that cuts through the mountains alongside the ricer that feed into their harbour. It nearly bankrupted the house, but it was the wisest investment they ever made since their ancestor cut off his hand.   And now Sea Spear is a heavily fortified Coastal town with a monopoly on trade in the incredibly hostile region, and by making itself accessible to the land, it provided the Picts the perfect spring board to start their settling the Islands of the Veil. After thousands of years, Sea Spear now stands as a booming, irreplaceable trading hub for the islanders and a gateway between the two lands.   The people of Sea Spear are known to be talented merchants and competent seafarers, but above all else, they are most famous as builders and stonemasons, for their craftsmanship of their city into sea battered mountain side. From their colossal sea wall and gate blocking the harbour entrance, to the legendary feat of the mountain road that secured their wealth and impeccable talent of building into the mountainsside and cliffs crafting rugged but beautiful man made caves, that even the Dwarven mason hold respect for.   On the bones of the elven colony lost to time, they have carved an impregnable fortress town within the cold granite. It's a town founded in spite of the harsh elements, isolation from the mainland and unafraid of living in the shadow of the Veil, that hangs ominously on the sea's horizon to the west. However, the people have learned to harness the very elements to their advantage.   When it was inaccessible by land, the only way to take Sea Spear was by the sea, where any invader, unable to cross the sea wall, would be forced to blockade the port and starve them, only for the Veil and the harsh sea to smash their boats shortly after. And with the great mountain road, any force would be forced to cross the mountain pass where their numbers would count for naught. The only way to take Sea Spear, is by a simultaneous siege and blockade. And no kingdom has aver been able to even consider both. As a result, Sea Spear jas never been taken, not even by the Norscans. Although it has not been for lack of trying.   The land of Alba has always been one forged by spilled blood, Sea Spear is no exception. Through highly disciplined doctrines, and hard learned lessons, the Warbands of Sea Spear are known as the "Crimson Fists" after the bright red gauntlet each warrior bears on his right hand, in honour of the sacrifice of their founding lord. Thanks to defending the sea gate and the mountain pass, they have earned a reputation of well disciplined stalwart warriors who excel in asymmetrical defensive warfare. Any castle of Alba with a retinue of Crimson Fists will never fall by direct force. And a well positioned phalanx on the battlefield is known to be as robust as the stone walls of their home. As such they have been a welcome and loyal vassal of the Kingdom of Alba throughout its history. However, the battle of the Red Fork led to Alba's destruction, and the near complete slaughter of their armies, and like everyone else Sea Spear is reeling from the loss of so many of their fighting men. They had one saving grace, as the Empire consolidated its win, many surviving Alban were able to retreat safely through the mountains to Sea Spear, and sail out to the Isles of the Veil where they disappeared.   As mighty as the Empire is, and the totality of their victory, they were stretched thin by the conquest, and when forced to consider the logistics required to take Sea Spear, and weigh it against more pressing concerns in other theatres of war, they accepted the conditional surrender of Sea Spear. The Empire accepted them into the fold, without any further bloodshed, or change in leadership. This has come with the obligation of actively hunting down all remaining loyalists to the Alban Crown and the establishment of an Inquisitorial Base within Seaspear. These terms were extremely light compared with other vanquished nobles, but the Empire simply had no desire for further bloodshed over land so seemingly insignificant.   That was two years ago, and the people of Sea Spear have enjoyed a comparatively light touch under Imperial Rule. But thats now expected to change now the Empire has consolidated its rule over Alba, and the Imperial court hasn't failed to notice the suspicious lack of Alban loyalists Sea Spear has extradited to them, as well as the complete lack of any noble fugitive of significance. Subjects that are making the nobility of Seaspear increasingly uncomfortable especially as the manhunt for the outlawed King of Alba, missing since the Red Fork, starts to intensify.   Combined with Imperial Astromancer's concerning reports on the changing nature of the Veil, the Emperor has commissioned an Inquisitorial expedition, of the Ordo Malleus, to investigate the strange goings on of the far west as well as strengthen his authority.   An expedition that will certainly ignite tensions as the bloodied people of Sea Spear start to feel the boot of Imperial Rule.

Points of interest

The curtain wall and toll gate, known as the Bulwark, has singlehandedly protected Sea Spear from raider, the elements and the Veil, Its ensured its survival, stability, and therefore is prosperity. The mountain road to the layman appears a simple paved road, but its construction was nothing short of Herculean. The road links Seaspear to the Highlands providing a safe way to trade its imports and catapulted it from a safe harbour for sailors to a booming trade town on the edge of the world. The Keep on the mountain top looks like a weather worn fort of granite, but within lies a maze of beatufully carved stone gallerys going deep underground, one of Humanity's greatest feats of stonework and completely distinct from the archtecture and expertise of the dwarfs. Used for feasting, sleeping entertaining, and most importantly a vast storage complex ensuring the keep can withstand any form of siege. It has existed for thousands of years and has never fallen. The trident bay carved into the rock is home to many diverting canals with mand made waterfalls, this has led to a vast amount of water wheels used for milling and smithing. A truly booming industrial quarter constantly emmiting steam leading the quarter to be permantley enshrouded in a mist duing working hours.


As grand as Seaspear is, space is a rare commodity, it's extremely limited within the walls and much of the landmarks are exclusivrly focused on function over tourism. The keep is off limits to outsiders and the booming industrial and harbour quarters are hostile to those who get in the way. It's a welcome refuge for any stormbound sailor escaping the boiling sea and the veil. It's a ferry port that bridges the Veil itself to it's isles. Its not the only one but its by far the safest. Seaspear is, fundamentally, a waystation all tourists are going through the city for one reason or another. As a result all tourists are largely kept in the Harbour district, its the best place where they can sell there wares, buy food and board, and other pleasures. Seaspears founding as a haven has led to a booming trade for overnight visitors, the quarter is full of inns, taverns, and even a few establishments entartaining more ilicit proclivities. Seaspear has many sights to see but almost all are off limits, its a waystation at heart for the wayward sailor and ambitious adventurer who wants to cross the veil. As such accomodating such people has led to a bustiling night life within the Harbour district.


There was little wood when the brothers landed, and its nothing more than a memory now. Sea spear is entirely made of Stone. The buildings are robust but very spartan consisting of grey granite and slate roofs. Unlike the dwarves their architecture is alot less rigid and regimented. Curved walls are very common to provide best protection from the elements. Many building are built directly into the mountain side with only the front face being visible.
Founding Date
580 AC
Alternative Name(s)
Gateway to the Isles, Trident Bay
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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