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The Great Houses

The four great ruling houses of Tuathalba.   The Great Houses are:
  • Clan Donald
  • Clan MacLeod
  • Clan Buchanan
  • Clan MacFarlane
The Great Houses once ruled all of Albion in an era of unprecedented peace known as the Bonding. During this period the Great Houses shared the responsibility of protecting Albion through a mutually beneficial agreed peace and co-kingship called the Ceithir ("The Four"). In the year 1495 BT (Bonding Times), the long peace broke as conflict arose among the Ceithir. A short but intense period of violence occurred over the following five years. Clan MacFarlane emerged victorious and pushed the three remaining houses back north to the Tuathalba region, where the Houses had emerged to control the continent some 1500 years earlier.    The period following the breaking of the peace became known as the Cleaving and the current era is called the Cleaving Times. Since the the Cleaving, the Chief (or Laird) of Clan MacFarlane has served as The Righ ("Chief King").
Geopolitical, Clan

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