Characters by age in Albion | World Anvil

Characters by age

I've had several queries from people who'd like to read about characters at a certain age. (Sometimes that's what someone's in the mood for, sometimes for a reading challenge). I'm glad to oblige with that info!   A few notes about these lists, to make them simpler:
  • Many characters appear in multiple books. I've listed them anywhere they're a point of view character.
  • I've used their age in the majority of a book (a few books have time skips).
  • If a couple are in the same category in a book, they have one listing. If one of them's in their 20s and the other in their 30s, they're listed individually in the appropriate places.
  • The younger character(s) is listed first.
  • Books are listed in chronological order within each section.
  Since many characters appear in multiple books, I've included any book where they're a point of view character and their age, and in a few places some useful notes.


(Not a romance!)
The Magic of Four : Leo, Avigail, Jasper, and Ros are all 14.


Forged in Combat: Melusina is 25, Arthur is 28.
Four Walls and a Heart : Gil is 24, Magni is 27.
Pastiche : Alysoun is 25.
Carry On : Roland is 29.
Bound For Perdition : Lynet is 26.
Casting Nasturtiums : Dilly is 26, Seth and Golshan are 27.
Wards of the Roses : Giles is 29.
Shoemaker's Wife : Clara is 22, Owen is 27.
The Fossil Door : Gabe is 22, Rathna is 28.
Outcrossing : Rufus is 22, Ferry is 24.
Perfect Accord : Charlotte is 20, Lewis is 24.
In The Cards : Martin and Galen are 24 (Martin's 3 months older).
Point By Point : Galen is 25.


Pastiche : Richard is 30.
Carry On : Elen is 32.
Bound For Perdition : Reggie is 31.
Wards of the Roses : Kate is 33.
Country Manners : Giles is 31, Kate is 34.
Ancient Trust : Carillon is 38.
Goblin Fruit : Lizzie is 34.
Eclipse : Thesan is 30, Isembard is 34.
Fool's Gold : Beatrice is 37.
In The Cards : Laura is 32.
Magician's Hoard : Ibis is 37.
Point By Point : Lydia is 31.
Chasing Legends : Thesan is 33, Isembard is 36, Ibis is 38.
Facets of the Bench (coming in August 2024) : Annice is 38.
Mistress of Birds : Adam and Thalia are both 33 (he's 2ish months older).
Old As The Hills : Gabe is 39.
Illusion of a Boar : Cammie is 31, Hypatia is 34, Claudio and Orion are 35 (a year apart in school).


Complementary : Both Rosemary and Mason are 43. (Mason's older by 9 months).
Ancient Trust : Benton is 43.
Goblin Fruit : Carillon is 40.
Fool's Gold : Robin is 41.
On The Bias : Cassie is 45, Benton is 47.
Magician's Hoard : Pross is 42.
Chasing Legends : Pross is 43.
Facets of the Bench (coming in August 2024) : Griffin is 44.
Old As The Hills : Gabe is 40, Rathna is 46.


Seven Sisters : Cadmus is 54.
The Hare and the Oak : Cyrus is 58.
Best Foot Forward : Geoffrey is 51.
Upon A Summer's Day : Geoffrey is 57.
Three Graces : Thesan is 51, Lizzie is 55.


Seven Sisters : Vivian is 63 (but looks younger).
The Hare and the Oak : Mabyn is 62.
Best Foot Forward : Alexander is 64.
Nocturnal Quarry : Alexander is 67.
Upon A Summer's Day : Alysoun is 63, Richard is 68, Alexander is 69.
Three Graces : Alysoun is 67.

Series & Arcs