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Archivist Morg Flintbane

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from a family of stone masons, Morg has been the archivist of the Biblioplex at Faerndaar, Phrontistery of Arcana for longer than most can remember. He originally studied at Lorehold college (being the first of his family to attend the university) before leaving to become an archaeologist. During this time, he accidentally became to subject of a curse which caused his eyes to start decaying. He was able to successfully remove the curse, but not before he had received significant damage to his eyesight. As such, he is never seen without his famous pair of spectacles, which appear comically large due to the magnification necessary, but all who know him know better than to joke about this to him.   After his injury, he returned to Faerndaar in hopes of a securing a quieter job and immediately fell back in love with the Biblioplex like he has when he was a student. After acquiring a job as a librarian and working there for many years, he was eventually promoted to archivist by the archmage. These days, he can be found around the Biblioplex whenever it is open, helping the cogwork archivists with their catagorising and scaring first-year students with his intense love for the tomes he cares for.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
422 78 Years old
Male (he/him)

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