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Asmodeus' Burning Brand


Some creatures who a deal or pact with Asmodeus, the Lord of the Hells are bestowed this large brand of his symbol on a part of the body.   The brand acts as an arcane focus for the purpose of material components. When the brand's bearer casts a spell, the brand glows orange and becomes hot to the touch. If the brand is covered by clothing or any other material, roll a D20. On a roll of a 1, the brand deals 1D6 fire damage to the owner and any nonmagical items covering it ignite. This damage ignores resistance and immunity to fire damage. The DC and increases to 2 for 2nd level spells, 3 for 3rd level spells, and so on. The amount of damage also increase by 1D6 for each spell level in the same way: 2D6 for a 2nd level spell, 3D6 for a 3rd level spell, and so on.   At the end of the owner's turn, if they are on fire from this effect, the take 1D6 fire damage again (ignoring resistance and immunity to fire damage). The owner can use an action to extinguish the flames.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare

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